My older brother had bought the TGCD unit for my TG16 (we shared systems). The first game we had was Valis II. I absolutely fell in love with CD games; the music was soooo incredible. I showed my father this new technology, but he wasn't impressed - hah. I remember playing Ys I & II next. Blew me away! He ending up returning the CD unit a month later (he needed money). A close friend of mine then bought one, and we continued to enjoy CD games because of him. Later, when the Duo hit the shelves in the first week, my brother bought a Turbo Duo.. and spent the entire time playing Loom.. not GOT ;_; He again returned it to the store a month later. I bought my Duo a few days after that.
I mean, I was impressed coming from the NES to the TG16 hucard games to begin with, but this.. this was a whole new level.