Tell me more about Lambert?
Just curious.
Also, I know a lot of folks don't like the art style/aesthetics...but it isn't's just a different style that I (we?) are not familiar with.
This is the first videogame shirt I've ever bought myself, and the comments above made me second guess myself a bit tbh, but after checking the link again and looking at it again I have no problem with constipated bonk dropping bricks yo
I have to stop wearing work and hockey shirts somehow, and the Quicksilver / Oneal shirts my girl gets me at costco have become mundane and hackneyed - time to shake shit up with a constipated bonk!
Having thought about it, now I wish I bought the shirt AND the game.
This always happens when I am too frugal.
Tune in next week...
...I too have followed suit, and ordered the game. It is en route, and shall be played in my Wii U in between grinding sessions of TMS#FE. Saving so much money not eating out at lunch and snacks / sugary drinks have freed my wallet up to be spent on other dumb shit like videogame shirts and poorly reviewed vidyagams!