After some hours of investigation, I need a clue on understanding, who the detectorswitch-circuit works. Does it activate any transistor ?
I fear only theSteve could help. Encouraged by his IC 501 Pin-Connection, I measuerd agan at this totally treatened DUO by a very untalented solder-guy. I refurbished everything, but the mentioned issue is beyond my knowledge. What I found out:
The CD-Lid-Detector-Switch goes to D102 and from there to IC 104 - PIN 8. I am certain, it´s an output, that sould pulse H/L. It hits the Diode, the closed Detector-Switch puts 5-V through and the Drive/Laser is powered. Usually.
The sick PCB in Front of me outputs only L on IC 104. Pin 8. The DUO "thinks" the Lid is closed but as no power reaches the Diode 102, the Unit is only good for HuCards.
After several hours of reviving the Unit from the Consoles Cemetary I do not want to slaughter it only to spill Parts.

DUO on, guys - Dan