since moving to Japan, Ive picked up someones childhood Super Famicom for free! and started collecting for it. Next is either the Genesis/Megadrive or the PCE/Turbo.
16bit RPGs are my fave (standard rpgs, action rpgs, strategy rpgs, etc).
Which of these two consoles (including add ons) had the bigger library? which had the better library?
off the top of my head
for sega: PS2, PS3, PS4, Langrisser 1, Shining Force 1, 2, Shining in the Darkness, Traysia, Surging Aura, Wonderboy 3,4, Beyond Oasis, Exile, Popful Mail, Ragnacenty, Lunar 1, Lunar 2, Vay, Landstalker.
PC-E: Neutopia 1,2, Ys1 and 2, Ys 4, Dragon Slayer 1, 2, Xak 3, Dungeon Explorer, Emerald Dragon, Exile, Fray, Gotzendeiner, Legend of Xanadu
According to this site it seems (including sega cd) - 54
Turbografx/PCE (including the cd) - 90
Since I had the sega as a child (but sold it to get a saturn). Phantasy star 2 and 4 were very memorable. I also really enjoyed Shining force 1 and 2, and Ragnacenty (crusader of centy). I know the genesis got criticized for its sound, but I felt games that utilized its strong bass and either upbeat or techno/fast paced style music, sounded really good.
the PCE, I could only access some of its library when I reached college. I know Neutopia was its zelda clone, but felt it was far less interesting to me than Ragnacenty or Beyond Oasis. the PCEs hu-card music sounded slightly worse than the NES (imho) and I felt a lot of its rpgs didnt push its graphical powers, even the cd ones. That said, I thought Legend of Xanadu looked like a late gen SNES game. Ys 1,2 left a lasting impression. I never finished the 4th one but it looked good to me. There were no strategy rpgs on the system that stood out to me. I'm interested in trying some Japanese language ones now that I picked up the language.
what do you guys think?