Wow, Winback wins back memories from 15 years ago, the last time I played Winback on N64.
Back then, a renowned German Nintendo-centric videogame magazine gave this game a 1- (translation: A-) rating, praising the gameplay as some hybrid between Metal Gear Solid and 3rd-person-shooters. So my brother and I bought the game, but were disappointed by Winback's mediocrity through its repetitivity. It had no voice output whatsoever.
Years later, my brother got me a cheap used copy of the Winback port for PS2 on birthday. Just for shits and giggles. That bastard.
Oh well, at least the graphics are a lot clearer now, so I could have a chance to see what I'm shooting at in the distance. AND I can listen to cheesy voice acting, that's at least some win back.