Author Topic: Modern Halloween Movies.  (Read 531 times)


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Modern Halloween Movies.
« on: October 28, 2016, 08:53:11 AM »
So let's talk modern Halloween movies.

Sure I love my regular Halloween movies/shorts

Monster Squad
The blob (80s)
Killer Klowms from Outterspace
Gremlins 1&2
Ghostbusters 1&2
Nightmare on elm street 1-3
The return of the living dead
The Thing (70s)
Tales from the crypt (tv)
Treehouse of terror (Simpson)
And the twight light zone.

But let's push those to the side for now. What are some more modern movies and shows you enjoy watching that came out after the year 2000? 

Personally I like

Cabin in the woods
Cabin fever
The Mist (Steven King)
Hotel 208
Tucker and Dale Versus evil
Behind the mask of Leslie
Hard candy
Let the right one in (not the pice of shit American remake
Midnight meat train
The ring
The grub
The maid
Last missed call
Would you rather


Some of the modern Halloween tv specials like regular show

Hell much more really. Some I am probabaly blanking on.

Granted I am not much a fan of "tourchure porn". I don't go to a movie to see how grossed out I can be before I feel sick. I go to be entertained and at times scared or to laugh at the dark comedy. With that said Tusk isn't one I care to see or any of the human centapieds or Saw movies.

I would the first Saw to be interesting and enjoyable but not devolved into an let's kill people in as odd and different ways possibly film series cash cow. And hostel the first one I liked. It added a extra dose of fear as I was currently in a very 3rd world European country at the time of its release.

Then there are some movies I simply can't remember the name to. Like the one about an Aztec pyramid where American tourist get trapped and find out the plants can mimic their voices and infect them preventing their escap lenby their locals.


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2016, 09:12:53 AM »
Surprised not to see the Alien movies listed. The first two were good, the rest were meh.

For modern moves I like a lot of what is on your list, adding:

Troll Hunter
Rare Exports
Trick r' Treat
Arkhan: Im not butthurt by your enjoyment.  Im buttglad.


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2016, 09:16:20 AM »
The Others. Signs. That's about it for modern horror that doesn't give me years of daymares.

Every year I watch The Haunting, OG of course. The Ghost and Mr Chicken. 

I'm a pussy.


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2016, 10:12:02 AM »
Surprised not to see the Alien movies listed. The first two were good, the rest were meh.

For modern moves I like a lot of what is on your list, adding:

Troll Hunter
Rare Exports
Trick r' Treat

Lol tried not to make it a list of classics I like from the 70s-90s. Granted the list from the 90s is about as long as (insert good joke here).   Plus to give room for others to throw titles around.

Troll hunter is great
Truck r treat was sort of hit and miss for me

Have yet to see Babadook looks interesting same as "as above as below". Rare exports. I want to say I have heard of it. But I cold be confusing it with one of the shorts in "Creep Show. "


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2016, 10:18:25 AM »
The two recent horror movies that I saw that came out within the last 2 years were:

It Follows
The VVITCH (The Witch)

It Follows has a great soundtrack and overall I remember really enjoying it in theaters, I need to go rewatch it again.

The Witch was pretty good, very slow moving and tense throughout the entire film. Old puritan witchhunt shit is already spooky enough for me.


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2016, 10:40:12 PM »
If you liked Trick 'r Treat, you might like Tales of Halloween:


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2016, 06:37:00 AM »
Surprised not to see the Alien movies listed. The first two were good, the rest were meh.

For modern moves I like a lot of what is on your list, adding:

Troll Hunter
Rare Exports
Trick r' Treat

babadook is !"£$ing crazy - really creepy recent horror movie. However I will suggest Night of the living dead (1968) and Rosemary's baby in a brainstorming fashion. UP the pumpkins!


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2016, 08:02:19 AM »
I tend to prefer older movies but these were all really good as far as more recent horror movies go:

The Conjuring (all)
Insidious (all)
A Haunting in Connecticut
The Possession (sadly the US only got the PG-13 version, there is an unrated version out in Germany though...)
Dead Silence
Wrong Turn (mainly 1 & 2, but I enjoy them all)
The Skeleton Key
A l'interieur
The House of the Devil
The WNUF Halloween Special
Kill List
[Rec] 1 & 2

I really don't get all the love for The Babadouche, I was so bored with it and also found the ending to be very predictable.

Looking forward to checking out the new Carnival of Souls and City of the Dead (Horror Hotel) BDs on Halloween but will probably watch at least 4 or 5 other movies as well! :]
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 08:07:49 AM by gheebee »


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2016, 09:47:59 AM »
I really liked The Skeleton Key, I think it deserves a special nod.  The plot is really well thought out and interesting to follow, it's not just a bunch of a people getting murdered in succession.  That has it's place though!  I also think Cabin in the Woods is one of my favorite horror movies in recent history.  I really like it because I've been a fan of this board game Betrayal at the House on the Hill for many years, and there are some elements the two things share.  Be sure to pause the movie when you get to the part with the whiteboard.  I personally wasn't a fan of insidious and I didn't see the sequels (so they might be a little better than the first).  I was super disappointed in The Babadook after getting hyped up for it.  I just wish the ending had been more to my liking, and I wish it wasn't the morality tale it turned out to be.

Kinda artsy if you're not into that but I enjoyed Antichrist.  Looking through my Netflix history, you guys might like Deathgasm, it's Heavy Metal being played backwards/Dungeons & Dragons/Demons themed, it's pretty silly though with over the top gore.  Not a terribly serious horror movie if that's what you're after.  Oh!  "Satan's Little Helper" is pretty amusing.  I highly recommend that one, it's kind of a dark comedy and it's pretty ridiculous.  It's about a little boy who thinks Satan is really awesome from a video game he likes, then he finds this masked serial killer who he thinks is Satan and unwittingly helps him do terrible things.  Jug Face was sort of interesting, it's been some time since I've seen it but I remember liking it.  Sorta redneck/backwater kinda horror stuff.  Melancholia was personally terrifying to me, it's not a traditional horror movie, but it's got a scary concept.  The New Daughter was pretty good, as was Open Grave.  I watch so many horror movies I can't keep them all straight.

As for older ones:
Ravenous is pretty weird and disturbing, it's about cannibals during frontier times (maybe civil war era?  Been a while.).  Great soundtrack on that one.  Frailty is one of my favorite religion themed movies, it's about a man who is spoken to by the archangel Micheal and told to slay demons who are posing as people.  He gets his two young children involved in his work.

Classics:  Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Important!  Donald Sutherland 1978 version!  It's the best and scariest one), The Shining (original only!), Dawn of the Dead (Both old and new are pretty good, actually), Return of the Living Dead (but none of those retarded sequels!!!)

I also just remembered that I watched "Holidays" on Netflix, it's a bunch of horror shorts based on holidays.  Some are better than others, but it's fun.  Easter was probably my favorite one, I think.  Kevin Smith and his daughter are both featured in that, as director/actress respectively.  Speaking of, I haven't watched Tusk but I am going to try to this weekend.  I also want to see if I can find "The Visit" and check that out too.

One last weird suggestion:  Black Mirror on netflix.  It's more of a sci-fi anthology series about technology, but the show is so dark, it could fit the bill for some halloween watching.  Season 3 just came out and it's all so good!  Watch it!

I tend to prefer older movies but these were all really good as far as more recent horror movies go:

The Conjuring (all)
Insidious (all)
A Haunting in Connecticut
The Possession (sadly the US only got the PG-13 version, there is an unrated version out in Germany though...)
Dead Silence
Wrong Turn (mainly 1 & 2, but I enjoy them all)
The Skeleton Key
A l'interieur
The House of the Devil
The WNUF Halloween Special
Kill List
[Rec] 1 & 2

I really don't get all the love for The Babadouche, I was so bored with it and also found the ending to be very predictable.

Looking forward to checking out the new Carnival of Souls and City of the Dead (Horror Hotel) BDs on Halloween but will probably watch at least 4 or 5 other movies as well! :]
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 09:53:33 AM by johnnykonami »


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2016, 07:15:51 PM »

A Haunting in Connecticut

I actually hated this movie, though it's probably because I'm from the area where the true story it's supposedly based on happened. The plot features almost none of the real story and the town in the movie bears no resemblance to the actual place. Also, I defy anyone to find a route from central Connecticut to Boston that takes you through massive cornfields.

It really just felt to me like they were doing the absolute minimum to be able to say some script they already had floating around was based on a true story.
Feel like a treasure game on a rainy day.


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2016, 03:03:18 AM »
Just got back from my vacation where I spent the past week in Mexico. Was at a walmart yesterday and saw these (many other films but these caught my eye)

Would have pulled the trigger on all of these then and there but they were )20 a movie. If they do a half off sale after Halloween consider them bought. I saw some cheaper options for these movies bundled on Amazon for $24. However I like to get my movies non bundled. Even if it is typically cheaper and saves a time of shelf space.


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Re: Modern Halloween Movies.
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2016, 09:48:40 AM »
I just watched Phantasm V, which was a good send off for the series if you've seen them all.

Some other newer horror movies I enjoyed:
Evil Dead (remake)
Bubba Ho Tep
I Spit on your Grave 1 and 2 (remakes)
The Descent
Laid to Rest

I am shitty at remembering new stuff, since I usually watch old stuff...  but these few were good watches in my opinion.