This is this first programming language I have messed with for this long. I have been poking around at it for about the past month.
OK, that's not a problem at all, but I'm going to suggest that you take a little step backwards for a few weeks before getting back into 6502/6280 assembly language on the PCE.
Assembly language is absolutely great for creating fast programs, but the reason that it's not used much any more is that it's a very verbose, often hard-to-read, and fairly slow-to-write language.
The incredible power that is gives you comes at the cost of having to manually take care of all of the tiny details of a program.
I'm not suggesting that you ditch the idea of programming in it ... far from it. But I am suggesting that you *start* by tackling the problem from a different perspective.
My advice to you would be to read this thread ...
Learn to code through a series of challenges? and then set yourself the task of writing that simple dots-on-the-screen Pong game in a high-level-language first.
You could either do it in PlayBasic like technozombie did, or do it in HuC if you really want to stick with the PCE.
You'll learn a lot of the basics of breaking down a task into some simple program steps, and you'll have the satisfaction of having something working that is
your own code that you understand and can build on.
I'd recommend PlayBasic more than HuC at this point, because you'll have a decent debugger to use to see what's going wrong (and you
will make a lot of errors, we all do).
You'd also have technozombie's version to look at for a comparison (AFTER you're done!).
If you do that, then you can take your simple Pong program, and figure out how to implement it in 6502 on the PCE.
The point is ... if you do it that way, you'll already have something that you understand to use as a template for your 6502 code.
For a fairly-novice programmer, it can be off-putting to start with the totally-blank-space that assembly language provides you, and know just where to start.
You might even take a middle step, and translate it from PlayBasic, to Huc, to 6502.
There are some good arguments for doing that.