A giant piece of shit? It is a inconvenience to use gimp to clean up the palette, but I think it's quite hyperbolic to think photoshop worse than a minor headache when it comes to fixing palettes. As far as art creation goes, there's not a whole lot out there that can come close to competing with it; it's not even worth arguing, unless something can be shown to me by an artist to say otherwise. The tools in photoshop are unparalleled, and it's a world wide standard in digital art. It's a verb.
You realize PSP is often suggested as an alternative to Photoshop, right? It's actually a quite powerful program with the same sort of tools and features as Photoshop. In addition to correctly handling palettes.
Besides, Photoshop is generally only an "industry standard" because it's shoved down everyone's throat, and up their ass, simultaneously.
...and is often taught/provided in university, and thus people just stick with it because they were taught it, got it cheap, and don't want to pay more money.
Go try PSP out. There's a free trial.
To that note, many artists aren't using Photoshop anymore. They're using PSP, or Clip Studio, or that other one that I forget the name of.
mostly because everyone got collectively tired of Adobe charging out the tits for their software, and then moving to a subscription model.
I took a survey of ~20 artists at an artist alley at a con about 6 months ago. 1/20 were using Photoshop, and he was only using it to touch up someone elses work, because "he already had a copy".
I would consider PCX a compressed file, not a raw file. A psd is about as raw as you're going to get for art generation purposes.
Cool. I am talking about the .RAW file format. Another format that is handy when working on old platforms. MSX uses this.
I am pretty sure a RAW is about as raw as you're going to get, as it's literally raw data.
I upgraded my CS6 (attained very affordably) with a monthly 10$ subscription to CC. What I get with that $10/mo pays for itself hand over fist repeatedly.
Compared to the collectards around, and the cost of an average lunch or dinner where I live, that's not a terrible price. I'd drop that down to a dollar sign or two.
I'd love to see a better solution that CC/CS6 + Gimp, but maybe my tenure in photoshop outweighs the headaches of opening another program to palette organize my art.
I bought PSP X9 for 45$. in 5 months, I won't have to pay 10$.
I'm sorry, subscribing to art software is kind of stupid. What do you get for that 10$/month that was lacking when you weren't subscribed?
Elmer, lol, wtf do programmer egos have to do with hosting a zip file of PDFs? I'd like to think nobody is that much of a dipshit that they'd sabotage and take down documentation out of spite.
It would be nice to host them all in a place where they're viewable online.