Isn't Tektoy basically Sega of Brazil? They can't really "cash in" on a new reboot of a system they haven't stopped selling since it was current. Have they ever stopped selling it? I don't know, honestly.
They did. Last Genesis they sold was one without a cartridge slot as I said before.
Making it look more like the actual system is somewhat "NES classic"-ey...I guess, but when you consider that Tektoy actively bread that look (the original look) out of their consoles for decades to make them seem fresh (so the kids wouldn't be sad that they are playing the same systems their parents did). It comes from a completely different place.
You have a very good point on that but that's not it, as I said the main motivator for it was the NES Classic release (which was very well received in Brazil even though we had the toaster NES only for one year officially here, which failed real bad because by the point they released it here everyone had cheaper clones with better quality, remember, this was before the On-A-Chip era).
There is a company in Iran called Saipa that sells domestically produced licensed copies of Kia Rio, 1970s Datsun pickups, and even what Americans knew as a 1989 Ford Festiva. They aren't doing it to be cool or retro. That's just what they do. If the rest of the world became obsessed with bad old Korean cars I couldn't fault Saipa for ramping up production for export. There's nothing cynical about it when it's already the main revenue generator.
I want a Fairlady! You made a good point but it's not directly related because in Tectoy's case they are selling what they used to sell with a new coat of paint and at least double the price,
for the love of it!According to the Wiki these guys actually translated the first three Phantasy Star games into Portuguese. They've earned the right to make this as much as anyone.
There's a good amount of time between Phantasy Star 3 and 2016. They certainly earned the rights to do what they're doing now but it's kinda cheap because they haven't done much since the Dreamcast.
Of course it will be a POS, but that's unrelated. Clearly BT agrees.
It is certainly related! This is probably a sign that I failed to convey my message (as always) but let me elaborate:
Tectoy began their success as a toy company by selling Zillion guns, and that's how they started their very close relationship with Sega. They later released the Master System, proved themselves again and finally got a go-ahead to produce Genesis units and games. They also brought the Saturn and the Dreamcast to Brazil.
In the mid 2000s to 2016 people would keep pestering Tectoy to re-release the Dreamcast and maybe even Mega Drive games, and this includes consumers and the press, but they always responded with "The parts aren't being manufactured anymore, licensing issues, ...". They basically had no interest in doing what they're doing now because it would have had required effort from their part.
Well that's until the NES Classic, that is. After the nintendo console was announced people were very excited, even with all the import taxes piled up (which made the price ridiculous). Then they suddenly decided to make an announcement last month with a countdown timer page and a mailing list for something special, and the link I posted is what I've received in my mailbox last week. They still took the effortless route like they always did post-Dreamcast (they basically just sold Genesis clones all these years, only notable thing was the Zeebo which they merely marketed), now reselling their cheapo mega drives repackaged into a pretty shell, with a considerable markup compared to their previous consoles. The timing was too much of a coincidence to not be related and they could have done a better job with it if they didn't want to milk their fans dry just one more time, and that's the whole point of this stupid thread. They obviously saw the potential from the collector/ard crowd and went to bank on the NES Classic craze.