Author Topic: Thoughts on good "quick pick up" games?  (Read 936 times)


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Re: Thoughts on good "quick pick up" games?
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2016, 05:00:59 AM »
Monster Lair!

Yeah, I was gonna say Monster Lair too.

I took this thread to mean games you could get the full enjoyment out of in small play sessions. If I'm gonna play Bonk's Revenge, I want to finish it, and that takes a little while. So I get the sentiment. Something not too time consuming that'll go straight to its maximum fun pretty quickly.

So, some from me:
Ryukyu (because it's a puzzle game)
Moto Roader (because you can get one quick race in)
Devil's Crush/Time Cruise II/Alien Crush (pinball!)
Parasol Stars (can just play a few levels)
Bomberman (same)
Ninja Spirit (everything fun about that game is right in the first few minutes - not that it stops, I just mean it's all there right away)
Viegues (you'll die fast anyway, so it's not a big commitment)
Batman (it gets repetitive after a while, so all the enjoyment comes from the first 10 or so levels to me)
All the superscalers (Outrun, Power Drive, Night Rider, Chase HQ)
Splatterhouse (you can beat it in about 20, 25 minutes)
Shockman, Shubibinman 3 (same reason as Ninja Gaiden - all the fun is right there up front - plus 3 is real short, maybe 30 mins)