Actual Laseractive controllers add a bit, so the $400 shipped is probably about right. Theyre just uncommon. There is one ebay seller, thekobos who can usually find them. If you can look him up and shoot him a message with what you're looking for he may be able to help. He's in Japan and can sometimes find stuff for a decent price.
This is the guy that helped me find some of my LA stuff, I second the recommendation. Prices quoted are all pretty accurate, but LA is a weird system in that there are likely only a few buyers for the stuff at any one time. Due to this, prices will fluctuate more than for the more mainstream stuff. For example, if there are only 2 guys actively searching out Zapping TV but they both really want it, price goes up. Then after guy #1 buys the game, price goes down because no more demand. I've seen this happen several times.
The best thing I can say is to get all the cheap games. Stuff like Rocket Coaster, Virtual Cameraman 2, and Pyramid Patrol are all pretty good. Time Gal and Road Prosecutor are great, but most people overlook the also fun cheaper stuff.