Author Topic: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them  (Read 3894 times)


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2016, 12:32:59 AM »
I had a friend that was selling bootleg football jerseys for $40 a pop and he got a cease and desist letter from the NFL.  He only sold about 100 before the letter came, but it scared him to stopping really quick.

I looked at the link to Raw Dracula X, pretty sure Konami would have an issue with it, since they still sell this game in newer formats.  I am not a snitch and I don't have the time or care to contact Konami, but I image that would be the quick way to have this stopped.  One off eBay sales could still happen, but not largely advertised professional looking website sales.  Just my suggestion to those who may be legitimately upset over this.


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2016, 01:24:36 AM »
I don't think that this is going to be a popular sentiment, but I'm having a hard-time in maintaining my "outrage" in the face of the events here at PCEngineFX in the last year.

I am 100% in agreement with everything you said elmer!


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2016, 01:46:23 AM »
f*ck me. We need someone who gets more than 19 views a video to help educate fellow video game enthusiasts

Hey NOW!!!


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2016, 01:54:30 AM »
There are big Youtube channels discussing ridiculous toy bootlegs to educate the masses (and for having a cheap laugh). Why not for once discussing bootleg video games?

How could there seriously be anybody afraid? I also don't get the thing about "giving bootleggers more PR". Those who WANT bootlegs will get them anyway, but others who would like to avoid filling the money hungry mouths of gougers by buying fakes need information in first place.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 01:59:53 AM by ClodBuster »

They tried to make me do a recap
I said no, no, no


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #34 on: December 19, 2016, 04:15:54 AM »
The whole point of this thread is that he's gone back to making repros as close as he can to the originals without any indication that they're counterfeit. This has led to at least hundreds of people to pay hundreds of dollars or more for what they believed to be authentic copies of Sapphire, to the point where they were found in Japanese shops. If he's going about it the same as before, then he's been selling these as legit across the internet for a while already.

PCEWorks' "QUINTESSENTIAL BOOTLEGS" includes the latest revision to make his Sapphire counterfeit guide-proof:

Akumajo Dracula X "raw" version (no unique packaging):

Spriggan, Spriggan mkII, Steam Hearts, Nexzr, and Super Real Mahjong PII-III Custom Special, all without unique packaging or PCEWorks branding:


I still haven't seen any pics of the insides of the latest PCEWorks games, so we don't even know yet if they're branded or not. I just want people to be aware that the number titles you might be buying on eBay without even suspecting could be bootlegs has suddenly increased dramatically and at this rate, will include any PCE game worth more than $60 by the end of 2017.

If you actually take a look at the screenshots of the CDs and the back of the manuals in *all* of those new packages, they *all* have a PCEWorks logo on them that distinguishes them from the original games.

He's made the *outside* look just like the originals, which is a lousy move, but the games can be distinguished from the originals by opening up the jewel case and looking at the CD.

As I said earlier ... "caveat emptor".

The moral aspect of whether selling bootlegs of any kind is a parallel issue. The bootleg HuCards are not passable whatsoever and if they stopped tomorrow, they wouldn't be flipped as authentic for years afterward.

OK, again, ignoring the moral issue of bootlegging for the moment ... his new-production CDs can't be sold as authentic, either, if you to open up the jewel case and look at the face of the CD.

I thought that this forum was for game-players and looked down on sealed-in-box collectards???

Many published PC Engine homebrew games have various copyrighted logos on them which are used without permission. This site has ads and uses various copyrighted media without permission and once sold Turbo goods. I don't think that it is exactly the same as selling PCEWorks games, but if you believe that making money from using someone else's intellectual property without permission is stealing, then it all is.
Technically, buying and selling used games is robbing publishers, especially today with all of the scalping going on.

Huh? Now you're taking your argument a bit too far.

There are various laws in place for "fair-use" of certain items, and legitimately-produced games come under the doctrine of "first-sale".

Publishers already price-in the effect of second-hand sales of legitimate games into their pricing model.

People using Hudson or NECs trademarked logos, or their CD boot code that's on every homebrew CD, *is* a "naughty", and the owners of those trademarks/code could legally stop the homebrew folks any thime that they wished to do so.

I don't think that many people here think that any kind of bootlegging is fine, but you also can't really be involved in anything related to old games today without supporting some form of copyright infringement. The PRGE had bootlegs sold at most booths which were selling games. Many tables were for businesses which only sold bootlegs. One a$$hole was selling only bootleg Everdrives, without even changing the name. He probably just bought those crappy Chinese knock-offs in bulk and put his ugly labels on them.

So we're in a video-game world where bootleg production of old out-of-print games has become "normal".

This is my point ... I don't like it, I don't support it, but I have a hard time feeling much "outrage" anymore when it *is* obviously supported by so many folks here.

If the original copyright owners don't care enough to send out a C&D, then what is my standing to try to fight their battle for them?

Remember ... Konami *was* informed about the PCEWorks release of DraculaX, and basically just said "cool" and then did nothing to stop Tobias.


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2016, 05:17:21 AM »
Someone should send a letter to Konami asking for the permission to repro their old games without paying them royalties. Just to see what happens.
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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2016, 05:28:23 AM »
Someone should send a letter to Konami asking for the permission to repro their old games without paying them royalties. Just to see what happens.

Go ahead.


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2016, 05:31:03 AM »
1) What right do you have to anything? I mean, complaining that you can't afford this or that, when it isn't a matter of life or death, or even the difference between eating unhealthy junk food vs eating healthy (i.e. more expensive), or not having the income to move out of the ghetto <- better quality of life by being safer. You're talking about physically owning games, to play on your old relic of a system. You have no inherent right to that. And in context, you have every opportunity to play or "own" any of these games via emulation, CD-R, or flashcard. So this whole, "I can't afford it" thing seems petty, especially knowing how expensive these systems are to collect for -> this isn't some surprise to you. Even if you did buy the game from PCEWORKS, it's not the original. It's still a fantasy of owning the original, which really isn't any different than CD-Rs, flashcard, or emulation. It's fantasy shelf candy.

I never claimed that owning these games was my right. It is indeed a "want" and not a "need." I could indeed just burn a game to one of my Taiyo-Yuden CD-Rs, and in all honesty, I should. The problem is, as you yourself put it...

Don't get me wrong. From a human-science perspective, I understand the experience with the relationship of owning a physical copy of the game. I understand that the experience of the game is more than just the controller and interaction with the game logic; it's the feel of the real controller, the sounds of the CD drive seeking, the act of taking the game out of its case, parsing through the manual, and placing it in the system - the physical affirmation of the system sitting in front of you; the aesthetics. All of it. But it's still a choice, not a right or something owed. And you have other options that aren't preventing you from playing any of these games - only your own view that's preventing you from enjoying them via other options.

Maybe it's because I have a bit of "collectard" in me, but I have a fascination with high quality game repros. They give me the same thrill I get from buying a new game; to be able to read through an elaborate manual, to put an actual cart or CD in my system; it's just not the same with emulation.

You are correct though, it is just an illusion, but for me, as a classic gamer, it's a very powerful one.

2) You feel bad that Tobias cheats people with deception, and you feel bad that he rips off homebrewers.. but none of that compares to the evil of having to deal with ebay sellers of the real products??? Do you realize the absurdity of that statement? I know you're trying to rationalize it with the minimal amount of guilt or feeling shitty about it, but in the end you pretty much just said, "I feel a little bad about what he's doing, but not bad enough to not to support Tobias". Your nod to the opposition is just that - for show. And that's what it boils down to for you. And if that's how you feel, then just say it. Don't shift the blame on ebay sellers. That's ridiculous. No one is forcing you to do anything - you made a choice. Own it. Don't squirm around it because it make your conscience feel better.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up there. I really do feel that eBay sellers are a major factor in why we have this situation to begin with. They are the ones who jack up the prices for original games, giving Tobias a reason to make these bootlegs in the first place. They are the majority of the ones trying to pass off these bootlegs as real to make a quick payday. They are likely the ones getting Tobias to make 1:1 replicas of the original packaging. I am pretty sure that they are part of the problem.


Buying his items isn't just a decision on the morals and ethics of him profiting on someone else's work (Capcom, NEC, whoever) - it's the fact that when you purchase something from this specific man, you're not only supporting what he does, you're elevating/promoting what he represents. Fraud, deception, robbing from the very community that gave it something special. You need to own that too.

When it comes down to it, this is the real issue here, and you're right. I am putting my selfishness ahead of the community's interests, and that's not fair to you guys.

You've changed my mind, Bonknuts. I will not buy any more of Tobias' bootlegs. I'll burn Taiyo-Yuden CD-Rs instead. I need to own up to what I'm doing and not make excuses.
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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2016, 05:52:48 AM »
Someone should send a letter to Konami asking for the permission to repro their old games without paying them royalties. Just to see what happens.

That would be hilarious, I'd love to see a copy of the letter that they got back!  :wink:

It *might* be enough to wake the beast to the point where some C&Ds finally get sent out ... but probably not.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 07:05:49 AM by elmer »


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2016, 06:01:55 AM »
Arjak: My point wasn't to change your mind. I personally hold no ill will to anyone who buys stuff from him. My point is; just understand the implications of your choices - in relation to this guy. That's all. Don't sugar coat it or bullshit justifications to make yourself feel better. I'm human. I understand that sometimes "want" outweighs or overrides morality and ethics; I'm not perfect. You think I don't find the packaging and such he has setup/made as desirable? All bullshit aside, I think it's cool and I do wish I had them. But for him specifically, I know what that choice of buying from him means. And that's a choice I can't own.


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2016, 06:37:17 AM »
Someone should send a letter to Konami asking for the permission to repro their old games without paying them royalties. Just to see what happens.

That would be hilarious, I'd love to see a copy of the letter that they got back!  :wink:

It *might* be enough to get the wake the beast to the point where some C&Ds finally get sent out ... but probably not.

Unless tobias is making a Dracula X pachinko machine I don't think he has anything to worry about.


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2016, 07:08:00 AM »
I'm actually more pissed that some fag was selling bootleg Everdrives at PRGE than I am about Tobias.  Anyone who buys his shit knows they're buying bootlegs (unless they're retarded). 


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2016, 08:18:30 AM »
I'm actually more pissed that some fag was selling bootleg Everdrives at PRGE than I am about Tobias.  Anyone who buys his shit knows they're buying bootlegs (unless they're retarded). 

Bootleg everdrives? Ive never heard of this... Did they at least come with an energy drink?

No that would cost extra.


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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2016, 11:19:11 AM »
For me, any thinking about Tobias has to start with the repeating of two facts.
1) He once sold fake Sapphires as authentic copies in an undeniable act of fraud.
2) He has repeatedly used community projects without permission or acknowledgement of the sources.

Maybe we're only rationalizing when we go in for Everdrives and whatever else, but I think we've all asked ourselves whether any harm is being done by that and concluded that ultimately, the answer is no.

Tobias, on the other hand, is a person who has looked causing harm in the face and said to himself "Eh, f*ck those guys." He has no sense of honor, and I want nothing to do with him. I will never buy from him regardless of how he prices his goods, and I will never give him approval to make repros of the Xanadu translations once they are done.

If you're wondering what kind of harm he does by ripping off things from the community, by the way, there are two factors. The first is that it's demoralizing to see your work used in that way, and in the absence of money, morale is the only thing that fuels these projects. The second is that it potentially moves us all under the eye of relevant copyright holders who can then start throwing around cease-and-desist orders. I have a feeling that Konami doesn't give a damn, but as the keepers of the entire Hudson estate, they could give us all a good scare if they decided they wanted to start barking loudly.

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Re: PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them
« Reply #44 on: December 19, 2016, 02:32:57 PM »

 The vast majority of the people who comment on my videos are awesome, but there are also a few people who need to pull a plastic bag over their head and go to sleep.

Welcome to the internet. Anything you do will attract stupid comments. People like to moan about how awful Youtube comments are. Or how awful Facebook is. Neither of those things are at fault. What's awful are just people in general, especially when they can comment from the comfort of their keyboards. Forums are just as dumb as Youtube comments, and those are just as dumb as Facebook, Tumbler, etc etc etc. The internet in general is just dumb because anyone can comment. Only smart people should be allowed to comment. Like me. But of course everyone thinks they're smart. Anyway at least try to have fun with the shitty comments instead of getting angry at them. I had a dude who was saying how the PS2 trounced the OG Xbox in every conceivable way. That was fun for me.