Basically, Arkhan's a (talented) freak. He has some music training and education AND is interested in older technology.
This is the problem, in a nutshell ...
1: You take the folks that learned to play sheet music at school, and who probably played in the band.
2: Take the few that actually still want to keep on playing when they're older.
3: Take the few of those that want to compose instead of just playing in their garage band or cover band.
4: Take the few of those that have a passion for old videogame consoles.
5: Take the few of those that have the technical skills to deal with the limitations of PSG chips.
6: Take the few of those that have the detailed technical desire to deal with waveforms and volume envelopes.
7: Take the few of those that are willing to enter those waveforms and envelopes in a very-specific format in a text editor.
8: Take the few of those that hang around in English-speaking forums that are interested in old consoles that failed badly in the commercial marketplace in the Western World, and are barely known.
... and you've got a very small pool of people to go to.
Both systems will work just great for their respective audiences, and having both present in our homebrew scene is the best solution, because it means that more people will be able to find tools better-suited to their own skills or available talent pools. Win-win!
That's the hope.
Trackers seem to make an amazing amount of sense to non-musicians, and I'm not entirely sure why. It's like people who don't understand music just don't know what to do with a DAW at all. They go cross-eyed staring at it. But you put them in front of a tracker and they're happy to poke away at shit until they have an ear-bending mess. The world is a strange place.
I suspect that it's like most creative-endeavors.
Getting *started* is often the hardest thing, and lowering that hurdle to make it as easy-as-possible to start creating a noise, no matter how horrible that noise is ... at least gives people some quick feedback that they start iterating on to improve it.
Trackers provide a simple-but-rigid framework that give folks somewhere to start.
I'm sure that it can/would feel like a straight-jacket to someone like Arkhan ... but for others, it would allow them to just jump right in.
At the end of the day, it's not the tool that makes the song, it's the musician.
I've heard horrible-sounding MML tracks, and I've heard horrible-sounding Deflemask tracks.
What is actually surprising to me, is that there are a couple of people out there, like Michirin9801 and JIR-O, that have created really excellent-sounding music within the limitations of the Deflemask sound engine, and have worked-out some really creative ways around those limitations.
For instance, apart from the half-dozen times that deflemask has crashed while I've been poking around with it ... I got to ask ... why doesn't there seem to be any way to transpose sections of music/pattern data?
I thought that was supposed to be a common occurrence in music data.
Without that, I expect that the converted data will be considerably larger than I'd like.
I've done the 1st tests at converting deflemask pattern data into something semi-efficient that I'll be able to write out and have my sound driver process, and I'm quite happy with the results.
It's definitely bigger than the sort of hand-optimized compiled-MML-descendant that you'd have seen back-in-the-day, but with some careful encoding, it's not bad at all.
Michirin9801's "Misty Blue" cover is using approx 3.5KB of pattern data (for notes, effects and timing).
The largest track that I've seen so far uses approx 5KB of pattern data.
The total usage will get bigger as things like waveforms and effects-envelopes, and samples are added, but I don't see why a complex tune (excluding samples) shouldn't easily fit in less than 8KB.
I don't really see (yet) why the sound driver itself should get much larger than its current 2KB size ... but lets allow for 3KB in order to add the sample-playback code ... hmmm, maybe 4KB max if I add the code for the ADPCM chip in the CD hardware.
BTW ... the driver allows for a complete set of sound effect channels, with per-channel override, so when it's all done, it should be immediately-usable in a game.