Lol, I think you have the wrong idea about it. It's meant to retrigger a note more than once on a single Deflemask row, so you *CAN* get a note to play every 1/60th (no matter how your song timing is set up)....
Let's say, you have an instrument set up with a pretty sharp decay. Sounds awesome for most notes, but a few notes you come across have a longer sustain than the others... and to top it off, the sustaining notes have all kinds of different lengths. What do you do? You *COULD* set up separate instruments for each different length of note, but that's wasteful and you'd end up with a lot of instruments. You could try to set up the sustain/decay manually in the pattern through volume commands and note cuts, but that doesn't get you per-tick control (unless you happen to be using 1/1 timing).
You see, if you have an instrument with a really sharp decay, but you need it to sustain for a few ticks WITHOUT the volume decaying, the best way I know of (without running into the aforementioned issues) is to play the note on successive rows in Deflemask... but if the decay is sharp, simply playing the note each row, by itself, will sound jittery and weird if your timing is, say, 3/2, or 3/3 or basically anything other than 1/1. BUT! If you force the note the retrigger on each row until the row is done, it plays seamlessly into the next note on the next row without any jitter or decay. I *just* discovered the usefulness of it, and yea, it's pretty handy. I wish I had started experimenting with it before. It's more or less a "force sustain" command for a few ticks. Or at least, that's how I'm using it.
PS I have a doozy coming up for you guys.