I'm up in Canada and my family doesn't pay a goddamned thing for health care. I wouldn't say our wellbeing has been compromised in anyway, and I certainly don't have a problem paying taxes to make sure people are looked after, the roads are repaired and kids receive a decent education.
I worry for my American friends who are going to lose their health care, it's no way to live as a human being. It's not a left or right thing, it's about not being an a$$hole and looking after others. When I visit the USA, there's an aura of desperation that I don't feel in Canada, Europe or Oceania. I don't blame people, being one misfortunate accident away from bankruptcy or foreclosure.
I think Trump has truly duped people into believing that he'll actually look out for them. He is an egomaniacal billionaire, with an awful business record. He doesn't give a shit about your jobs, your border or your well-being. Being president is a hobby for him, something he can add to his list of achievements, and as if he wanted the job to begin with. He's filled the swamp with science denying billionaire pals who could give a f*ck about you, Zero-Gamer.
The next couple of weeks are going to be a political blood bath. When our ex-conservative prime minister cast doubts on his ability, I worry. Harper was a neoliberal, through and through. Trump doesn't have a clue what he's doing and I hope there's enough resistance down there to keep that shit-show in check.