Hrm...just played Ranger-X for a few minutes, got into the second level before becoming bored. So far, there isn't squat here that hasn't already been done on the PCE and frankly, much of it better. The game controls like crap, honestly...also, the music is terrible, the sound effects are decent but a little underwhelming. The graphics are excellent but nothing out of the ordinary for the 16 bit era. I'm not seeing what the big deal is far as I can tell, this is actually quite a boring game that accomplishes little that hasn't already been done before on the Genesis. The little dot-screen 3D stuff between level 1 and level 2 isn't all that interesting either, nor hard to make.
Very interesting parallax limitation on the first level...three layers, yet it only scrolls on one plane. Why? Because one of the planes is faked...there's only two hardware planes to play with, so the third one has to be faked, thus the scroll is limited in its movement. The second level uses a standard two-plane scroll which we all know the Genesis can handle without difficulty.
Could this be done on the PCE? Without question. It would be much easier on the SGX, but the PCE could more than handle this game. The parallax in places would have to be faked, of course.
So would I port it? No. This game is dull as hell, and I doubt I'll ever fire it up again, it's that boring.
F-22 Raptor on Genesis used polygons and did a decent job of it.
Are you sure you don't mean F-22 Interceptor? I can't find anything about F-22 Raptor having a Genesis port.
EDIT: Just checked out F-22 Interceptor. It definately uses polygons. The scene is extremely simple and the poly count is less than 50. There's absolutely no shading whatsoever, and the game only runs at about 10 fps max...barely playable. Lots of slowdown when there's too many polys. This is a perfect example of why the Genesis simply could not handle true 3D games...there simply wasn't enough CPU horsepower.