reddit's format is awful, and so is any other forums format that forces replies to be in a separate branch instead of having every post in a topic sorted by post date in a linear fashion. Not to mention that reddit in particular defaults to display posts ordered by votes, the damn thing is designed to create hugboxes.
I was just thinking the other day about how terrible reddit's format is.
Things you can't really do on reddit:
--Bring up really old threads to continue a discussion from long ago (can be good or bad, but sometimes I find old threads I'd like to revive that have some relevance, but it would still stay lost)
--See the most recent comments
--Have a reasonable discussion without it being tied to an original comment, which then gets very convoluted and hard to read at times
--Post images effectively. You're mainly just stuck to imgur (within the comments section, anyway)
--Have a thread like pcefx's "Random Images Thread" or "What did you buy recently?" because it's all on the front page, thus you're too inundated with shitty content and funny stuff, even in halfway decent subreddits.
I don't really consider reddit a forum so much as it is just a more forum-like social media website.