Yesterday I finally made it to Digital Press, arguably the best classic gaming store in NJ, because they got a stack of Neo Geo Games. After a visit I will say that it is certainly the best for these reasons:
1. Knowledgeable Staff, really know their stuff and they care.
2. Fair trade in values, I brought in some doubles and consoles I didn't need and they offer WAY more than other shops
3. YOU CAN SELL YOUR STUFF THERE TO OTHER GAMERS!! Once a month bring your stuff there and sell it to their customers like a swap meet. When I was there, a guy was selling FOUR Game Cube Component Cables, $200 each. Never saw 1 let alone 4.
4. Fair pricing on certain items, some games and consoles that are much higher elsewhere are fairly priced there.
5. They were having a 3DO Tournament when I got there.
6. They repair consoles, even the Virtual Boy.
7. Amazing Selection!!!

NOT Free....

You can see the people playing 3DO on the bottom. Free to enter I think they had prizes.

These Cases rotated with a button push. Common items Turbo Games LYNX Gameboy/Advance, Game Gear

I asked the attendant how this SNES Display generated Scan Lines and her opened it up, SCART, that's right SCART to a VGA converter to a monitor. This is how it came in the States. Very cool. It's all original.
FYI that's my buddy buying DOOM for the 32X only to realize that he already had it. Also bought with the Donkey Konga game with the Drums only to realize it's unplayable on a LCD due to the delay, CRT only.

What's left of the Neo Geo Stuff up top. They got a STACK of killer games that all went quick. I managed to get one rare one that must have had a mistake on pricing as it was a steal.

Perfectly working and has the Flashboy in it I must get one!!!!

Mad Dog McCree on the 3DO Via GXTV. Doesn't get more 90's than that. The gun was a little off when I played.
The guy on the left was repairing a 3DO.

That Neo Geo in the back has a LCD in it, looks TERRIBLE!!!! Had KOF and SSII in it. Beside the neo was a row of desktops to play League of Legends and other PC games.

Where Maddon Genesis Carts, Dreamcast web browsers disks, NBA2K games go to die. Tons of NES dust covers and rental cases too.

Loved all these table tops and Classic Nintendo Hand-Helds. Two Commodore 64 monitors with Super Game boys running through them.

Brand New Turbo Duo in the Box $799.99. Told me it works fine.

Thanks Guys