I got this:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004XSSDPO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1I didn't already have an S-video cable for my Saturn, so why not? I am going to also get a SCART cable for a Super Famicom in a week or two to get the best Super Gameboy setup I can get for my TV, and I may do RGB for my Duo one day too, so I should get some mileage out of this device granting it works well. My TV maxes out at component, but if I ever get a PVM or a framemeister, I'll have the cables already.
I'm in the US, I have a model 2 Saturn (I had a launch Saturn that died on me back in the 90's), so it's NTSC. I have read it needs c-sync for the model 2, is it just safe to assume and buy a csync cable? The device above is euro scart.
I think I also need one with a breakout for RCA audio, the ebay links from retroRGB.com didn't seem to have one with both, so I thought I'd come here and see if any of you guys knew a quality maker of these cables.