People paid to watch that?
In Edmonton Alberta when i'm located, it was a big deal when it got released. Someone rented an entire movie theatre and had a screening night and everything. Tried to sell tickets for it, and vendors/local stores setup booths inside of the event.
We were warned before hand so we did drugs, but it still was unbearable. We left so early we couldn't even drive and had to crash at my buddies house.
The funny/sad part was the guy who organized the screening lost a bunch of money doing it. He bought a couple hundred DVD's and desperately tried to sell after the movie. He had them for $40CAN originally, but near the end he was only asking $20 plus delivery lol. You could just feel the sweat drippin off his posts.
I watched this a while back. I was disappointed that he left out how much was paid for games.
Lots of people were, they were probably just embarrassed how much $$ spent. Their Facebook page comments for awhile were just people bashing the fact that they kept this hidden.
At one point in the documentary, the main character went on a rant about how he was glad his father was dead after complaining that his father disliked his video games and music. At that point, I couldn't enjoy the film at all anymore. If that was what he meant and is to be taken at face value, then it was either a documentary about a sociopath. If that wasn't the case? Then the editor left in exactly enough of a non sequitur to misrepresent someone into something terrible.
Either way, I couldn't enjoy the film afterward.
Wow, how out of place. I'm glad I left before I got to see that. I just left after they failed, right when that dudes dog died.
So not only did they fail doing a scripted "adventure" finding every NES game, but his dog died too.