Expecting like one dude to do it in free time is a great way for it to never get done.
Depends entirely upon the determination of said individual.
I'm sorry Fragmare, I absolutely love the music that you've been doing, and the artwork that you've created ... but that's just a bit out-of-line.
I don't share Arkhan's perspectives on quite a few things, and we have, and almost-certainly will continue in the future, to butt-heads on various subjects.
But he's 100% correct on this one.
You can't force your passion for own project down someone else's throat.
Programming a game on these old-machines (PCE/MSX/Genesis/whatever) is a *LOT* of work.
Asking someone to do that after a hard-day's-effort-at-their-job, week-after-week, long-after all the fun-and-challenging aspects have been conquered, and the 50%+ of hum-drum coding starts, followed by the 30%+ of terminally-dull get-it-finished coding begins ...
... then determination isn't enough. It's going to take either "passion", or a large paycheck.
And nobody here is offering that "paycheck".
Arkhan has done what a lot, a huge lot, of people haven't ... he's finished things, and he's pushed the whole "scene" forward.
That's incredibly difficult, and one heck of an accomplishment.
I'm going to have to side wtih him on this one.
Lol what, exactly, is out of line? Saying if you want something done around here, you might as well do it all yourself? That's no exaggeration. f*ck, I think you could probably dig up a quote of Arkhan's on this forum that's almost verbatim to that, said to me in regards to Xymati, no less. This "scene" is generally full of doe-eyed, eagerly anticipating ingenues and overly gung-ho guys that start 9239847 projects simultaneously, but finish 0. Not saying there aren't exceptions; Meteor Blaster DX, Mysterious Song, Arkhan's Retrocade pack, Ys IV translation, etc.... but the general rule around here is: SHIT DOESN'T GET FINISHED. Some kind of community GitHub like system COULD work, if there's a person directing the show and deciding what to keep/trash. But that brings out the whiners when they're goofball, left-field idea doesn't get included.
Or was it saying it depends on the determination of the individual working on the project? I'm telling you, in all seriousness, that if I had started learning HuC6280 ASM 10+ years ago when ideas for Xymati started getting tossed around, I'd probably have a playable version of it by now, drawn, designed and coded by yours truly. It's not about slaving at your day job and then coming home and slaving on some other project until you're bleary eyed... it's about chipping away at it when you can, over years, and until you've created something masterful... think of a bonsai tree or a car restoration. Hell, man, I'm a single dad with two kids i raise BY MYSELF, have a day job and occasional night job and i still find the time for PCE dev. What I am saying is, one person, given enough determination, patience and time, CAN make it happen... even if it takes years. If you disagree, then I'm sorry, you don't really understand the drive one person can have when they want something bad enough.
I'm honestly considering saying f*ck making any more chiptunes or pixel art after the Super Raiden 25th Anniversary release and just concentrating on learning more HuC6280 ASM... that's really about the only sure-fire way Xymati would ever get finished, that I see. Might take another decade, but f*ck it... what's another few years?
I mean, i know you had kind of openly offered to maybe code Xymati when you have the time. And believe me, you're more than welcome to. Knock yourself out, dude. But, quite frankly, I've heard it all before and I don't really know you all that well yet, so I just kind of file it under the "Yea ok, we'll see..." folder.
No offense.