I know I'll be very happy when it's over because I'll get to play it ;3
I'm SOOO Looking forward to that!
I am too! These are some of those games that I tend to just boot up and admire the intro. In the near future that will all change and I'll finally be able to play Falcom's "sister" series to the Ys franchise.
Thanks, everyone's support and interest really helps!
We're really looking forward to these being released, and getting people's feedback about the differences between the two games.
Everyone always loves the beauty of LoX2, and has difficulty battling through LoX1 with just a walkthrough and no idea of what's going on.
I'm curious if LoX1 will get more love when people can actually experience the full story, and the incredible detail that Yoshio Kiya and his team put in there.
I actually find it fun to go around the towns speaking to the NPC characters.
Falcom seemed to have generally put a lot more effort into making the towns interesting in both LoX games, compared to what Hudson did in their ports of the Ys games.
In anticipation I have made myself a custom 2 disc case for Xanadu II. This way my real copies of both 1 and 2 will have a 2nd CD spot for a translated CD-R once this amazing project is finished
I found a bunch of completely empty double CD cases at my local goodwill a few years back. All in fantastic shape.
That's really neat!
I know that I threw away a bunch of spare dual-cases, years ago. I feel like an idiot, now!
Looks like you can still buy the old dual-cases on eBay. You just have to search for "chubby cd case"
There seem to be 21mm thick cases that hold 2 CDs, and 24mm thick cases that hold 4 CDs.
I hope that we're going to be able to do both translated manuals and case-liners like esteban made for Zeroigar.
I know that we'd like to provide a ton of supplemental materials, like level maps and, of course, a copy of that LoX1 map of the 32-levels in the tower.
I wouldn't have had the patience to finish LoX1 if it hadn't been for that map that Falcom provided.
I scanned it, and printed it massively-enlarged, so that I could trace where I'd been, and mark down where all of the connecting doors and passages were.
I don't have a custom case but I still have my copy of The Legend of Xanadu II that I purchased when I was recording voices for the old dub back in 2011. Maybe I should complete my set and get a copy of Xanadu I before the translation comes out.
You'll want LoX1, for the map, if for nothing else!
I suspect that it wouldn't be hard to make enough printable materials to have the translations justify being put in their own cases!