Just curious to know if there are any updates worth sharing.
Yep ... Burning Man was awesome again this year, but bloody hot (record temperatures, I believe)!
Gonna be that guy again but how has the dub been coming along?
After losing all of August and the first two weeks of September to my little trip, I'm trying to catch up with the world and find that out myself.
It looks like things have really slowed down during the last couple of months with the cast's Summer commitments getting in the way.
On top of that, it looks like poor SamIAm's time has been severely restricted due to the realities of life with a wife and a very young child.
I've had to manage developers in his situation before, and I'm not-at-all surprised that he's had far less free time than he used to enjoy as the bachelor that he was when we started translating games.
Now that my time is open again, I'll be looking to add whatever help I can in getting this all pulled together.
Was a voice for Areios's Grandfather ever decided on?
I think that we'll be going with the gentleman who has already recorded an excellent performance of the lines for us.
His voice is a little bit younger than we'd like to have as the ancient Grandfather figure, but there's no problem in changing one palette color in the intro graphic a little and making the picture of him look a tiny bit younger.
There's never any mention made in the game that the character really is Areios's Grandfather, and it's not important to the story (it's the only time that you see him), so I have no problem with him being Areios's Dad or even a Village Elder.
Having said which ... if we somehow run across an actor with an old voice, then it would be
nice to keep the same audible-age as the original Japanese actor.
What Elmer and Sam are pulling of here can be compared to only to Working Designs Arc the Lad collection or Growlanser Generations.
The dub is a huge amount of work, and honestly, I'd really recommend that translations avoid doing one, if possible, it's just too big a commitment unless the leads involved can dedicate almost-fulltime work to it.
I'm absolutely amazed at what Burnt Lasagna and his Ys IV dub team achieved!