Some observations:
Why the hell is this in Chit Chat?
Why is his region board so big? The one I installed in my Duo R, years before he even began his "service", is half the size at most.
Re: "Service", see George Carlin.
Given that Doujindance has, apparently, modified hundreds (!) of Duos I think this thread should be pinned at the top of the TG/PCE Repair/Mod Discussion since the technique for epoxy removal will...probably have to be learned by all of us at some point.
The guy in the video kind of annoys me. I get what he's saying, and lots of non-annoying people only become annoying when you listen to them for 40 minutes like I just did, but he does kinda come off as self-aggrandizing to some extent. Also, if I were to rag on Doujindance for that long I'd concentrate on more of what a culture crime it is to f*ck up hundreds of Duos more than what he's charging for it. This is a subtle distinction, I don't expect anyone to get it.
I once posted a picture of a mod I did (Duo R region hack, same thing as here) and everyone here laughed at me because the wires I used were so thick. That modded system has been my daily ever since (2006) and has outlasted literally tens of millions of XBoxes and Playstations, that is, the system itself (go NEC!) and my big gauge region mod. This guy's crap somehow quits working even with enough epoxy to make the back of the HuCARD socket the most durable and indestructible part of the system.
At work we're doing this project involving portable poop/steam powered generators and the control units of the oil control units are completely filled with epoxy. %100 impossible to ever service...and this is common in industrial applications, but this is done with stuff that is built with almost no compromises in materials or design anywhere in the module so a) the odds of anything failing are low and b) if it does the cost of repair is anticipated/understood. There are no horrible surprises from the next guy to look at it. "Hey yeah, sir, we opened up your system and it turns out its completely filled with glue. I can't fix it. Come pick it up. No, I'm not interested in being paid flat rate to pick glue out of your POS, sir."