Read my post again, I simply said you talking shit to people won't encourage them the go to your irc, and notice I said go to your irc I never mentioned anything disparaging a shoutbox.
I wasn't talking shit to people. I didn't call anyone retarded. I called your IT department idiots, and that statement still stands. It's almost always true. They tend to be people who like computers and can configure routers/click buttons but don't actually have a fantastic idea about what they're rambling about.
I'm betting they saw IRC related words in their web monitoring and shit their pants. The odds of an SSL chat over port 6667 doing anything to their network is pretty slim unless you're dumb enough to start doing DCC gets from randos and running pictureofdog.exe . They're likely shitting because that port is also the port some malware talks through. That doesn't mean you're going to get said malware using an IRC chat widget.
You certainly got triggered dude chill the heck out.
Well, that's because you misrepresented what I said, and what I *didn't* do, and basically did the usual DKesque "omg retard words hrrrurrrr" shitpost in a context
where it didn't even apply.And then of course, he showed up to do it as well. As expected. It's pretty old. It wasn't even funny the first 94020239 times he or whoever else was like OMG LOL OLOL IM ARKHAN RETARDRETARD LOLOLEMOFOFMGOM.
Shoutbox embedding is quite a bit different than connecting to a separate irc web client and irc, which it seems like you were still bashing people about not joining you on. I gave that chat a chance, and at home i will again, but I can't use it at work.
...Not entirely that different.
Those widgets aren't really that secure sometimes. Hence the shoutbox being non-existent here. You don't really hear of people crippling entire networks via IRC. Those webchats are basically clommed together from PHP/jQuery/SQL/TalkingToDatabase(TM), and that's how we ended up with Shoutbox f*cking us on this Forum. I would argue that a defined protocol with years of vetting is a more secure choice.
I tested the KiwiIRC widget myself and well:
<iframe src="" style="border:0; width:100%; height:450px;"></iframe>
That's it. Thar she blows.
You could jam a Discord frame at the top just the same, really. It might format like total shit though.