Technically, my plan was always to delegate dub management out to another project partner. I waited 8 years after 2 dub managers failed which is when I met BurntLasagna and third time was the charm.
I had enough motivation to develop TurboRip in 2006 (
I retired from fan projects in April 2007 and briefly returned summer 2012 to work with BurntLasagna) after Justus Johnston returned promising to finish finding voice actors to record their lines - he was the first manager that joined the team and you can thank him for his friend Chris Adams who reprised his role as Dogi.
Justus also engineered the excellent Darm opening battle that plays when you start the game. He mixed in Alan Oppenheimer voice acting from Ys Book I&II which worked out beautifully so we kept it.
2nd guy I met that wanted to try completely failed, had set up recruitment thread on Voice Acting Alliance, looked like he was serious, but he suddenly had offline life problems; before he was disconnecting his home ISP, he said he'd give me any recording work that was done and hoped I'd continue the project, but he disappeared, never heard from him again. He called himself GeeMac32bit, Aussie fella from the land down under.
Ran into BurntLasagna in early 2012 I believe. There was some drama here thanks to Psycho John Schizomaniak of HG101 who harassed the project and some actions BurntLasagna took that let me down and means we wouldn't work together again, but I'll avoid details and simply say at least the dub effort was finally finished!
With Justus came TurboRip so Japanese wave files can be replaced easily with our English dubs, with BL, I upgraded the Get/Put ADPCM voice acting batch files to work with Sound Exchange, then released the Ys IV Dub Kit to help others learn which someone actually used to raise the volume on all voice acting at the risk of clipping but whatever.
All in all, the point is I didn't feel I should be the one to also do the grunt work of emailing voice actors back and forth, just wanted another partner to do it, give me back English recorded files so then I could finish the patch for release... The cock flashing translator, Le DeuceBag, never felt like doing it either, but he did his part, found a transcription of voice acting from Japanese Ys fan, Sugimo, and he converted it to English, as well as matched up a line to the ADPCM naming convention I adopted with my batch files.
I just liked the model of an expert sound guy like Justus being the one to manage this aspect of the project and I was more interested in new Falcom Windows PC projects at the time before I had to retire for a couple of years in April 2007 to get my offline shit in order.
Some crazy lunatic can come along and do a dub patch later on for the voice if they want to.
You meant NightWolve?
Thus, you might say BurntLasagna was the crazier lunatic to do all the grunt work of emailing voice actors back and forth after recruitment, collecting samples, providing recording tutorials, etc.
Not rocket science, but neither I, DeuceBag or others prior to Justus were interested in doing it. I did everything else, poured my sweat into it, all the advanced technical problems were out of the way, all you had to do was record wave files and get them back to me, but yet I ultimately had to wait 8 years for a 3rd partner to finish the job...