Well that just doesn’t make sense. Brain size is a nature/science thing. You can’t know it without an autopsy and a measuring tape. This is about specified ratings of human made products. You don’t need to deduce or uncover anything, just read the specs, this shit is wrong. God doesn’t give out specs, science is therefore needed.
However, pretty much everyone who’s ever built a modern flash cart just looked at that and went, “Well, the parts I need don’t exist, I can’t make them the right way, I’ll build it out of this.”
Then tons of people bought them and if there were any issues nobody noticed so it didn’t matter. Newer designs show improvement.
“Use sparingly” seems like good advice. I don’t know where all this drama bullshit comes from (it ALWAYS shows up from somewhere). It seems like The Comunity is required to pick a side and stick with it for life on every issue but there just isn’t one here unless you go looking for it. This is a learning opportunity for the whole scene.
It’s also weird how people seem to think they’re a genuine Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective because they noticed money is somehow involved, then it’s use as irrefutable evidence to prove that someone sucks...leaving aside that every console and pro console game dev house was far more profit seeking (and shifty) than any dude making stuff like this.
Late to the party here. I didn't even know this was a thing.
In my case I've had that AliExpress Neo 160 something in 1 multicart for the longest time. To keep my shit intact, I need to toss it? wut.
I'll live in a state of fear knowing the danger, but I'll risk it.
Can you please live in a state of fear that doesn’t destroy perfectly good main boards with garbage just because you’re too cheap or poor to buy real games? There will always been a supply of junk to plug into a Neo but the boards are OOP.