I never lock my car or interior stuff. If someone is desperate enough to steal a $6 phone charger, so be it.
In California, I would routinely leave my old water bottles and Diet Coke cans in my car.
The next day, they were removed from the passenger seat.
Nothing else taken or disturbed.
Fun fact in
CA each piece of recycling fetches you 5 to 10 cents including plastics. in other words, you can make about $5 to $20 a day bringing in recyclables you find on the street. Which doesn't sound like much, but it can be in the right circumstances. here in NJ you don't see this as much for 3 reasons. We have no such advertised rule on guaranteed price, In most municipalities, it is illegal to collect recyclables from the cities cans. (the towns want the recycling money) and finally, you are stuck with the price per weight paid by the scrap yard. (and most only take aluminum/steel cans, bottles etc.)
although I do make good money off of cans everytime I go to a family BBQ though. one standard garbage can full fetches somewhere about 20 bucks.