So we all know that we're firmly in the realm of remasters, but which ones are worth it and which ones blow?
For my money, the one that pops to mind is the steam rerelease of Sonic Adventure DX.
It's a retouched version of the Xbox Live Arcade version.
Which is a port of the 2003 PC release.
Which is a port of the Gamecube game.
Which is a port of the Dreamcast original.
not to mention the load of odd graphical downgrades that occurred between DC and GCN, which were all carried forward to future versions. This includes reduced detail on buildings, a removal of water effects, and a complete change (and downgrade, IMO) of the lighting engine.
good news, there's mods to fix a lot of this stuff, but neither PC version is perfect.
another one that pops to mind in the *almost* awesome category are the Kingdom Hearts remasters for PS3 (haven't tried PS4 yet)
all the content is there, and it's the final japan-only releases, bundled in with some of the spinoff stuff. sounds great, right?
welllllllllll, first off, glitches. I came across these somewhat frequently when I played them, but it's been a minute, maybe they've been patched.
Then there's loading times. ugh.
it doesn't have nearly the effect in #1, since there's not much in the way of active loading, but in #2 when you use certain specials (like the Drives) it will load mid-battle.
As an extra problem here, the added load times remove the free combo you'd get from activating the special, as the shockwave knocks enemies up in the air, and in the PS2 game it loaded fast enough that you'd be on your feet and ready to attack before they hit the ground.