I recomend you pick up Chaotix, it is a bit pricey but it's good. If you pick it up, spend some time to learn the fundamentals or you will regret your purchase.
Once you learned the basics you will love that game, great music, very good art and a lot of exploration needed!
Tempo is another very good platform game, its game system is a lot more easy to grasp compared to Chaotix.
of course I recomend you the holy Model 1 trinity Virtua Racing 32X (even if you already have the Megadrive/Genesis one) Virtua Fighter (especially if you only have the Saturn version, 32X is a lot more playable)and Star Wars Arcade (this can get a bit frustrating at times).
Last game i'd recommend you is Stellar Assault, takes quite a bit of time to get into but once you do you'll play for hours.