It was quite enjoyable to read the “tech page” you allows me to have a far greater appreciation of what BINARY STAR actually does. can I get the XZR (MSX) soundtrack pumping out of the heart of my PCE?
Thank you.
XZR 1 and 2 on MSX don't use the SCC, lol.
They just use regular PSG tunes. only Konami and a few homebrew games use the SCC.
XZR II came with a music CD on MSX though. You could swap those tracks in!
It was a ”Christmas Wish”... the same spirit of asking folks to create a SCD sequel to Blodia—I don’t think it will ever happen for PCE.
BUT! I didn’t know about XZRII actually including a CD (I didn’t know that sort of thing even happened; keep in mind that I am pretty ignorant of nearly the entire MSX realm.)