It’s hard to find anything elitist about advocating scrap-bound TVs from 20 years ago...but sometimes I get that from people. Like...they make it seem like owning a CRT is as expensive and as much of a commitment as owning a vintage Ferrari or something. “Just not practical” they say but for no specific reason. (This coming from people who are running out of HD space for all the pictures and videos they’ve taken with their cardboard box collections.) I don’t know what the “upkeep” thing is, like you have to lube and balance a CRT every three months or something. It’s just just a damned TV. Your grandmother managed to own and operate the things for decades and she never even learned to read. Think about that.
When CRT+elitism comes up, it's never about actual TVs. It's about those dinguses that scoff at a fully functional 30" Zenith in favor of a 9" BVM.
Funny enough, the CRT I hooked my VCR up to was my grandparents. It's the one I used to play NES on at their house, and Sega CD when I would drag it there to finish Lunar 2.
I didn't get rid of my CRT televisions. I just moved them to another room since home entertainment and new consoles went HD, so having the main setup by the couch required something that wasn't the Sanyo CRT.
The XRGB3 sits at that TV so I can conveniently jam something into it and play stuff. I don't keep all my old shit hooked up simultaneously anymore because I got tired of wall-wart Tetris, and RF box daisy chain tai-chi. I plug in the one I am playing and the rest sit on a shelf nearby.
My secondary CRT at the moment is basically perfect and I got it for free this year, Toshiba. It’s about the same volume, slightly more, as that hot air cooker I got for XMas three years ago which cost who knows what and is definitely a created want, as is looking for fixes for games looking terrible on screens 16 times the size of the largest thing existent when the game was made.
If you have room in your life, both physically and psychically, for complete game collections and a 70” TV you have room for an old Commodore monitor.
lol. I dumped all my commodore / rgb monitors because they will inevitably die and suck to replace. Replacing a basic ass TV is simple though. Just drive around the block on garbage night and you'll find one.
People that go chasing dragons with PVMs and shit are basically retarded. Watching people drop 500$+ on a like, 10" screen that was in constant use at a broadcast place is hilarious. they all need serviced and shit. That high pitched hngggggggggggggggggg noise isn't "the glory days". It's your overpriced screen begging for help.
They post pics and go CHECK OUT MY PVM SCORE, and its like yeah buddy, check out that / \ or )( or () shaped screen. You did it buddy. Nailed it.
My absolute favorite is when they post pics of their screen that got shipped to them via UPS, packed by an idiot, and it shows up in pieces.
I've gone back and done sanity checks myself. Recently, I hooked up an SNES to XRGB3+60" TV, and then to a PVM I recently sold, and then to my 27" Sanyo via composite and RF.
Unless you're doing a side by side comparison, it's a whole lot of "who f*cking cares" when you get right down to it.
Nothing about the PVM made me think "shit, I better keep this". The 350$ I got for it was way cooler than the image quality.
It's almost like when you go to the eye doctor and he's like "whats better, 1, or 2?" and you just pick one because you can't tell.
I'm going to start streaming shit running through RF on this magnavox TV just to see how many RGBPVMBLTADHD people I can get upset all at once.
I might even twist the RF box a little so it goes staticky. Who knows. The sky's the limit.