Put me in a situation where all I have is a 14" BVM and offer to trade me one of the better consumer SDTVs over 25" for it, and I'll accept. If all I have is a 9" BVM, I'll probably try to talk you out of the deal for your sake. But there is no consumer TV you could offer me that I would trade a 20" broadcast monitor for.
20" broadcast monitors are the best CRTs for 240p. The picture quality is objectively better than everything else and next to nobody is going to find anything lacking about the size. (For the few who do, the larger PVMs are going to be hard to beat.) Consumer SD CRTs almost uniformly have bad corner convergence and warping somewhere in the geometry. They also tend to suffer patchiness or shifting on full-white screens because of overly simple high-voltage regulation, too.
Consumer SDTVs are perfectly usable and can look very nice if they have at least S-Video inputs. Component is really no worse than RGB, too, although some of the mods people have been doing to add RGB inputs are very cool as well. I can't imagine people turning up their noses at these things and outright refusing to use them. However, can you blame anyone for wanting to keep a broadcast monitor instead when they have the choice?
Like so many things, there is some bandwagon-bullshit to step around, but if you have a chance to get a 20" broadcast monitor in good shape at a reasonable price and you have the space for it, for god's sake TAKE IT.
As for the whole LCD thing, it's simple: I am willing to accept one, and only one, frame of added lag in the whole pipeline. No screen tearing or frame stutter, and I want sophisticated CRT filters in 4K resolution, too. I'll take the Pepsi Challenge with three frames of added lag any old day of the week.
As for HD CRTs, I used to champion mine, but in the end I had to admit that the way it line-doubles 240p is pretty awful. It's literally this versus this.