The N64 seems to be the ultimate polarizing system. In general, millenials overrate it and the rest underrate it.
If you like racing games, Doom 64 and some quirky pickup and play games (like Blast Corps, Robotron, Mischief Makers), it's a nice system. During that period, I scoffed at the N64 (besides being amazed after seeing Mario 64 for the first time), but now I can appreciate its games from that generation, without having to endure horrendous load times of PSX and Saturn.
I don't think it's essential, but it's not complete shit, like the 3DO, Jaguar or CDi.
With that said, there is Ogre Battle 64, but I reckon you already knew about that one and are looking strictly for imports, of which I don't know of any in that genre. Generally speaking, I'm sure you were aware of Sin and Punishment, but Bangaioh is another one to put in your radar. I think it's better than the Dreamcast version, simply because it feels much more natural to control with the N64 pad.