I am still looking at the games. For Hucard games, I will be getting an Everdrive. I am here for the fun.
Concerning CD games, the ones that seem interesting and are probably among the best on the system do look expensive. I am not too sure about what I am going to do about it, maybe I will buy a game once in a while, but I am definitely not going to buy 10 games at 100$ like this.
Anyway, I have seen two JRPGs that look really awesome : Seiya Monogatari and Xanadu II. Did not check the prices yet.
Also discovered a pretty good website called PC Engine Bible I think. Very useful place.
The very first CD games I would like to buy are Ys I & II in English and Spprigan. Both are already very expensive. I already picked Gotzendeiner, it was cheap and I will use it to test my console once I receive it
I have also seen a number of "PCE WORKS" games. I don't understand why they are so expensive being repros. Retro video game market and prices are really becoming insane.
Glad I built my Sega Saturn collection when I was younger...