Hey all, I’ve searched a bit through topics, but haven’t found any mentions of something like this so here goes:
Today a friend of mine and I region modded my Duo-R, and so far, the region modding has turned out fine. The only thing we did differently from the Gametech video on YouTube was placing the 5v line from the mod board onto the HuCard slot itself, as we weren’t sure where else on the board to run it.
Switching from US/JP works just fine with HuCards from both regions. With a HuCard in, everything runs fine, boots up, sound - the works.
That being said, I’m getting -nothing- from the CD drive. No bios screen or anything. When we boot the system, we get a white screen as if a HuCard from the wrong region is in. Even without a HuCard, white screen. We’ve checked the power socket, we’ve checked the lines to the cd drive, and still nothing.
Is there anything that would prevent us from seeing a CD BIOS at all? I’m pretty baffled, it’s almost as if the system thinks there’s always a HuCard in the slot no matter what.
Any help would be appreciated, we’re stumped.