Can I request Hatris or will it kill GotM and make y'all rage quit?
Hatris is welcome. I am thinking of doing a voting system where 5 games or so get voted a little before the end of the month. Whichever one wins is of course the game we play for that month. I do kinda like the idea of picking a random game like Clash said. It's either that or we vote from a poll each month from a list of games. I would like to add pc-fx but not as many play it. I would like to keep it strictly pc-e and turbob.
In regards to types of games I'd like to include everything, but I fear JRPG's or other heavy text games might kill participation. If most are cool with it we'll go with everything pc-e and turbo then.
How do people feel about like 5 games and a poll to vote before the end of each month?