Since the other place closed shop, I couldn't update the wonderful story of my so called life (I'm way prettier than Claire Danes)
Last time we checked in, I was no longer all homeless and shit thanks to the actual programs in San Diego to help poor fuckers that actually want to be helped. Well, I'm still living in the same spot, it's not much but it's a start and it's WAY better than some of the other places people end up in. The good news is I'm EMPLOYED. That's right motherfuckers I am a contributing member of society once again. It's an actual bitch to get work out here, especially with a gap in work history, but thanks to me pressing and a few connections I got me a jerb.
The sad news is, all my obey and all my other gaming stuff might be gone to the ANALS of history... I left all my stuff on the East coast, and well my remaining family is BONKERS. so while I might maybe possibly get my things, it's not looking too great.
But all in all considering where I was this time last year I can't really bitch and moan....well moaning I can do but for other sexier reasons.
So there ya go, that's the far.