I was playing R-Type last night and I was thinking... HuCard or CD? And why? Having owned both, I think I like the CD better. The only thing about the CD I dislike is that they changed the music for the first level. The CD has some electronic voice saying "R-Type" repeatedly throughout the song. I have no idea why they did this. The original level 1 music was classic. The rest of the CD music just seems to be higher quality versions of the original music. I don't understand why they didn't do this with level 1. It's because of the better sound, however, that the CD version is my pick. That, and the neat intro. And the cooler user manual.
Also, I wished they'd fixed the sprite flicker for the CD version. I know the TurboGrafx/PCE is capable of handling this game without flicker. During some parts of level 5, the flicker is so bad you honestly don't know how many enemies are on screen. The CD version was released in 1991. That was late enough in the life of the console that most folks had figured out how to make games with minimal or no sprite flicker. Seeing as how R-Type is possibly the worst case of sprite flicker of all-time, if I were Irem I would have made damn sure to reverse this embarrassment. R-Type on the TG is a killer port of a great game, but IMO playability is hindered by this issue. And I mean, they had obviously already made the decision to go to the trouble of re-releasing the game with updated sound. Why didn't they go the whole distance and fix the graphics at the same time?
Anyhow... HuCard or CD? What do YOU think? Discuss.