Talking about Japanese RPGs, I recently finished Ys IV. I'm gonna start another one, and I have the option of starting...
- Dragon Slayer 2 (I beat the US release of DS1, oh 10 years ago or so and can't remember any of the storyline...)
- Cosmic Fantasy series. (Once again, I beat part 2, the only English release, but I have 1-4, so I'm thinking about starting on it...)
- Brandish
- Gulliver Boy
- Tengai Makyou I/II
- Xak I-III
- Burai I/II
- KO Sekai Beast Sansenshi
I've been hearing good things about the TM series from this forum, but haven't heard too much about the others. Anyone play any of the others, and any general thoughts about it?
Phantasy Star II happens to be my all-time favorite RPG, so if that gives you the idea of my taste... Any idea what I'd like from above? I'm thinking about starting Beast Sansenshi....
Don't play Dragon Slayer II unless you're fluent in japanese. It's 90% Animal Crossing, with you walking across the world back and forth between people delivering messages and items.
Cosmic 3 is nice except for the ridiculous frequency of fights. Cosmic 4's seem pretty straightforward, but there are some difital comic scenes(just choose every option).
Gulliver Boy's one of my fav PCE RPG's, even though I got stuck halfway through it. Its goyt some very cool scenes.
Tengai Makyou I/Ziria is a good game, but if you're spoiled on traditionally impressive graphics, you may not have the patience for it. TMII is a great game and you shouldn't have trouble getting through it, but it's one of the longest RPG's ev
er. If you're interested in a TM game, you should play Kabukiden(
best RPG ev
er) first and then if you're still up for it, play TMII then TM Ziria.
I really liked what I saw of Burai before getting stuck in the female's scenario(you play intro quests of each character before meeting up). Burai II looks like more of the same, but with even nicer graphics.
If it'll have any influence over what you play next, I've got walkthroughs up on GameFAQs for TM Ziria, TMII, TM Kabukiden, and one for about 2/3's of Cosmic 3.
If you don't go for Kaqbukiden right away, you should play Neo Metal Fantasy. It's one of the best PCE games and I also made a crude walkthrough for it(my first ever).