Author Topic: Zavas video is Up! (PC-88 Paradise)  (Read 10714 times)


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Re: Ys 2 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2021, 08:29:49 AM »

One of the best things is getting new Basement Bros videos!  This one is really incredible and it's amazing how secretive this game seemed to be.  I wonder if the MSX version is a little more accessible for players.  Like they aren't total jerks expecting you to find all of the holes/doors by checking every pixel, lol.  Still really cool to see that you suffered for all of us to enjoy!

Can't wait for the next one!

I haven't played all the way through the MSX version, but yeah it looks like it might be a little better, with the more clearly marked secret passageways, and the fact that the enemies get knocked back when you attack them. I should really play all the way through that one too someday.

So glad to hear you enjoy our videos! I have another one for you today. Here's the sequel, XZR II. The game that later became Exile on the Turbo!


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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2021, 09:49:59 AM »
Yay. Finally got around to doing Ys 3!


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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2021, 01:42:00 AM »
I just finished up the xzr videos; 'tis good fun seeing how they started out before becoming the Exile I know.  I like how the hidden forest passage was removed (except for a short trip to find Yuko) but it would've been nice if they removed a bit less of the other bits and not shortened the game up so much.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 01:43:58 AM by Necromancer »
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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2021, 08:29:57 PM »
I just finished up the xzr videos; 'tis good fun seeing how they started out before becoming the Exile I know.  I like how the hidden forest passage was removed (except for a short trip to find Yuko) but it would've been nice if they removed a bit less of the other bits and not shortened the game up so much.

Yeah, it really is a shame how short Exile is. Otherwise, it is a near-perfect TGCD game.
LOL, I like how you called Rumi "Yuko". I assume that is a reference to her voice actress Minaguchi Yuko, right?


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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2021, 07:29:35 PM »
Today I watched the Ys 3 one.  I'm surprised how nice it looks, not all that far off the TG-CD version, though I'm sure watching on my little phone screen helps.  Also, more yakkitty sax please.   :lol:

Quote from: kazekiri

LOL, I like how you called Rumi "Yuko". I assume that is a reference to her voice actress Minaguchi Yuko, right?

Nah, I'm not clever enough to come up with anything like that.  I was referencing how Yuko (from Valis) is hiding in the woods (on the path to the lost sheep) in the Turbob version; she does quick costume changes in and out of her school uniform.
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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2021, 04:06:29 AM »
Today I watched the Ys 3 one.  I'm surprised how nice it looks, not all that far off the TG-CD version, though I'm sure watching on my little phone screen helps.  Also, more yakkitty sax please.   :lol:

Nah, I'm not clever enough to come up with anything like that.  I was referencing how Yuko (from Valis) is hiding in the woods (on the path to the lost sheep) in the Turbob version; she does quick costume changes in and out of her school uniform.

Yeah. Ys 3 for PC-88 is actually really impressive!

Oh is that lady in Exile supposed to be Yuko from Valis? I never noticed that. I kind of wondered why that random lady in the town has a face illustration, and why she's so unnecessarily cute. Guess now I know why.


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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2021, 08:06:55 AM »
Hey guys. Today I made a video about the soundtrack for the SNES game "Actraiser", which was originally composed on the NEC PC-88! I thought it would be an interesting topic for this series. Enjoy!


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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2021, 01:49:16 PM »
Hey guys. Today I made a video about the soundtrack for the SNES game "Actraiser", which was originally composed on the NEC PC-88! I thought it would be an interesting topic for this series. Enjoy!

That was really cool!  Crazy to think how good an Actraiser port on PC88 could've been!  I actually think the chiptunes sound more similar to PCE than Genesis tho. :)   :bonkthis:


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Re: Ys 3 review is up! (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2021, 09:51:21 PM »
That was really cool!  Crazy to think how good an Actraiser port on PC88 could've been!  I actually think the chiptunes sound more similar to PCE than Genesis tho. :)   :bonkthis:

An Actraiser port on PC-88 would've been terrible! The music would have been fine but the graphics and gameplay would have been nearly insufferable for sure.

Thanks for watching!


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Re: Actraiser FM Synth OST video is up (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2021, 02:20:28 PM »
That's neato.  I like that he saved his working files for years and eventually shared them, when so many people only want you to see the end product and not talk about how it they got there.  Then again..... not everyone wants to see how the sausage is made.   :pcgs:
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Re: Burai video is up (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2022, 08:12:23 AM »
Finally made another video. This time I'm doing another that was released on the Turbo! And I spend a lot of time in the video talking about the Turbo version. How does it hold up? (Sadly, the turbo version doesn't do too well...) Thanks for watching!


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Re: Burai video is up (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2022, 06:34:57 PM »
37 minute intro.... ouch.  How long on average does it take to play through each scenario?  I assume at least a couple hours, so you'd be introduced to characters that you wouldn't be seeing again for several days, further assuming you only game for an hour or two a day (like me).  It's also unfortunate that they sold it as a two part epic, only to drop support for the PC-88 and not make the second half for it.

Still, it's a neato looking game.  One day I hope to play through it on PCE (both halves), but it appears the moonrunes and unconventional design make it unlikely that I'll be able to beat them.

What a kook.   :mrgreen:
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Re: Burai video is up (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2022, 09:48:44 PM »
37 minute intro.... ouch.  How long on average does it take to play through each scenario?  I assume at least a couple hours, so you'd be introduced to characters that you wouldn't be seeing again for several days, further assuming you only game for an hour or two a day (like me).  It's also unfortunate that they sold it as a two part epic, only to drop support for the PC-88 and not make the second half for it.

Still, it's a neato looking game.  One day I hope to play through it on PCE (both halves), but it appears the moonrunes and unconventional design make it unlikely that I'll be able to beat them.

What a kook.   :mrgreen:

Yeah kind of unfortunate there is no PC-88 version of the second Burai, but to be fair the first part puts a pretty good cap on the story with only a few minor conflicts unresolved. The second one really feels more like a true follow-up and "sequel" rather than an essential 2nd half of the story. Also, I've actually been a PC-98 player since even before I started PC-88 so I don't mind playing the second one on the 98 instead. Right now the only issue is my PC-98 is in the U.S. and I'm trying to decide whether I want to bring it back here to where I live in Tokyo or buy a new PC-98 instead.

It took me quite a few days to get through all the scenarios. I'd say each scenario took me at least 2 hours of play time. The actual ground you have to cover in each isn't much, but you do have to do a lot of grinding in each one.

As for the PCE Burai versions, like I mentioned in the video, 2 is soooo much better than 1. Just by looking at the covers you would never guess how superior the 2nd is. The PCE version of Burai 1 really feels like Riverhill Soft just got a crack team of developers together who didn't know much about developing for the hardware, whereas the second feels like it was made by seasoned PCE pros. I just finished 2 on PCE and it was awesome... aside from maybe the final dungeon. Highly recommend just skipping straight to the 2nd game for those who don't mind struggling through the 'runes.

Thanks for watching, as always!


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Re: Burai video is up (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2022, 09:26:35 PM »
I just want to say these videos are awesome and very much appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: Xak video is up (PC-88 Paradise!)
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2022, 08:06:48 AM »
Hey guys! This time I did the original PC-88 version of Xak! (As in Xak 1&2 for the Super CD!)
Please check it out and let me know how you think the original compares to the PCE version.