I've had this idea of years now. The PCE can throw around sprites pretty easily. Enough that you can make a tilemap layer with it. So that's what this is; an object map system that uses meta-sprites. Right now, the support is up to size 32x32, but I'm adding in support for 32x64 as well. No dynamic/animated tiles. The resource is very lite.. I have about 40% cpu left per frame.. and that's with actual game logic happening, collision detection, enemy AI routines, music playing, samples playing via TIRQ/DDA, and line scrolls on the BG layer. And that's with this demo rebuilding everything from scratch per frame - the object map, all the enemy sprites from metasprites, player sprites, etc. Recorded from a real PCE. The music engine is just a work in progress deflemask player. The samples for the sound FX were just a quick grab from SOR2 for testing.Credit: Fragmare for his PCE cover of SOR intro, and michirin for her player/enemy sprites.
I can't say I truly understand this, but anything that helps people make games is awesome.
Forgive me for this bump... I was just curious if there were any further demos/developments with HuSlayer?ktnxbye.