UPDATE 12.05.06: My brothers visited me on Sunday and said, "Hey, let's make two more entries for the Doritos SuperBowl contest." Well, I was feeling rather lazy and I kept trying to convince them to forget about the Doritos contest and just watch a movie with me instead.
Of course, they ultimately persuaded me to help them and now you can see the results:
KungFuDoritoOriginally, my brothers wanted me to wear the karate + lucha libre outfit. I said, "Hell no, it's FREEZING outside." And it was. It was friggin' ice cold and that karate outfit is made of tissue-paper-thin material.
FACT: We had to stop filming because we were frozen and the sun had set.
FACT: At 10:30 last night, my brothers started editing this film. By 11:45 they had to upload it in order to make the contest deadline (at midnight).
FACT: They told me that they didn't have time to decide what the best shots were, or to clean up the editing, so don't get too excited. Also, they were using Windows' "MovieMaker" and it kept crashing / slowing down on them -- they can't believe they were able to finish at all.
And now, as if that wasn't enough, here is the second entry:
Desperate for DoritosYes, that's me. Now you can understand why I initially didn't want to help my brothers! And my poor wife came home late Sunday night to find us pleading with her to do those two short scenes where she knocks on the door. I'm sure that Frito-Lay does not want Doritos associated with unsavory things like toilets, but my brothers were unwilling to compromise on their "vision".
FACT: Doritos
do get soggy when submerged in water.
FACT: The sound you hear when the chip bounces off the rim is real, but slowed down to 1/4 speed, or so my brother informs me.
------------ Original Post ------------------
Hi folks.
My brother made this for a silly contest. It's a commerical with my daughter in it.He filmed this a few days ago and said that he didn't realize how short 30 seconds was (the maximum length for entries). The final product you see is a simplistic montage... but the original footage was much more involved.
Just thought you might enjoy this
BONUS ANECDOTE: Since my brother let my daughter eat TONS of Doritos, she is now asking for them all the time. All she wants to eat are Doritos.
Doritos = garbage, so I feel like a horrible parent.
Edit: I don't know if the video works in FF (Win). I have only seen it on IE6 (Win).