Author Topic: A few random TE/PCE-GT questions  (Read 523 times)


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A few random TE/PCE-GT questions
« on: March 29, 2023, 07:00:42 PM »
These are mostly just curiosities I've had, and was wondering if anyone knows:

For the composite 3.5" screen mod, will the TV tuner port still work?

For the RGB 3.5" screen mod, will the TV tuner port still work?

What happened to the old 2.5" screen mod? Are parts/instructions for it still available anywhere, or is this a completely deprecated process? I've seen the youtube video with the comparison between the 2.6 OEM, 2.5 mod, and 3.5 mod, but other than that, it seems to be a ghost.

The battery door says do not use Ni-Cad batteries. Why? The input voltage on the side is only 7.0V, so 6 NiCads should meet that easy. Also, does the same disclaimer apply to NiMH?


Keith Courage

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Re: A few random TE/PCE-GT questions
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2023, 08:25:28 PM »
There is a 2.4" screen option available that uses composite.
I've used this option before for a few customers who wanted to keep their Express looking stock.

Also, I should mention that the better quality Composite boards most people had been using for the 3.5" LCD upgrade are now out of stock everywhere.  Can't even find it on ebay or Ali-express either.

You could always use one of those cheap 3.5" LCD backup screens but the quality usually isn't so good.

I just tested the TV tuner with the RGB screen and it doesn't work. Just a blue image. So I assume it would be the same with the composite one but I don't have one here to test right now.


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Re: A few random TE/PCE-GT questions
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2023, 02:09:52 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. I was mostly just curious about that smaller screen mod and why it fell out of favor.

Also, thanks for verifying the TV tuner does not work. I don't have one to test with, and probably won't get one if it has zero function with a screen mod.

Speaking of cheap screens, I may have said screen on a unit I just picked up on eBay. Will ask about that in another thread though as I have a few questions on it.


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Re: A few random TE/PCE-GT questions
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2023, 10:26:47 PM »
Other than being able to use the express as a monitor, the tuner isn't of much use anyway.  It's an analog tuner in a digital signal world.
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