Author Topic: SOLVED: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins  (Read 659 times)


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SOLVED: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« on: March 22, 2024, 11:21:22 PM »
When I try to put any type of CD into my Duo RX, the console can read it but I hear a loud plastic-on-plastic scratching sound. When I lift the CD mechanism out of the console and let it sit on my desk while still connected to the console, it spins silently and is essentially working perfectly. I've verified the disc and all the moving parts of the disc-reading component aren't touching anything. There are no loose wires, no capacitors or any other component that could potentially touch it, make it unbalanced or uneven, and so on.

I posted about this in a Facebook group and the suggestions were something was touching it like a bent capacitor or that the mechanism wasn't sitting correctly. I've reseated the mechanism a few times, ensuring that the foam-rubberish stands are all touching and centered on the three posts coming out of the main board. I've tried pressing gently on different corners of the drive while the disc spins to see if maybe its off-center while the case is off but this seems to only intensify the scratching noise. I also tried adjusting the 3 controls on the board, VR102 and such, all to no avail.

The only suggestion I haven't tried yet (as it sounds like it has a high possibility of causing damage) is adjusting the CD spindle height by physically pulling it upwards.

This is one of those cases where this was a device that worked for years, sat in a closet for a while, and now doesn't work. Any thoughts on how I can address this would be appreciated. I'm new to this forum so I will try to post a link to videos of what I'm seeing and hearing after this post goes up. Thanks everyone.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 02:21:15 AM by opticalnoise »


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Re: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2024, 11:32:30 PM »
CD mechanism on my desk spinning without noise:

With the mechanism in the case and spinning noisily:


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Re: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2024, 02:43:09 AM »
Most likely the laser pickup has dropped down and the noise you are hearing is the spindle rubbing on the housing (and potentially your disc)

There are clips that hold down the housing that can break and cause it to lift, or something may be trapped between the pickup and the housing pushing it down


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Re: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2024, 02:30:35 PM »
Is this something that can be adjusted? I was given this link and after reading it I'm concerned that I would just end up damaging the system. The thread is also about the standalone CDROM2 unit for the briefcase so I don't know how much it is applicable to the Duo RX units.

Keith Courage

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Re: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2024, 06:25:45 AM »
Show us a picture from the front of the CD assembly so we can see the plastic latches that hold it in place. No need to have the CD on it.

I'll be able to tell from the picture of the plastic latches are broken for the white plastic part or if the center spindle for the motor has been smashed down too far. 

If the center spindle has been pushed down, getting to the correct height can be a pain if you have never done it before. You would need to use a pair of pliers to push the spindle upwards without bending the metal shaft in the center. Pushing the pliers down so the plastic part of the spindle moves up is the way to do it without bending things. 

« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 06:27:24 AM by Keith Courage »


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Re: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2024, 11:52:56 PM »
Hi Keith and xodarap, thanks for your insights. I've done my best to take the pictures of the cd mechanism but if I'm still missing something please let me know and I will try again.

My main question before I try to do any repairs is why does the mechanism seem to work perfectly well when sitting on my desk as seen in the video I posted earlier, but scratches and rubs when sitting in its spot on the main board? While taking these pictures, I put a CD on the spindle and spun it around with my finger and I could hear the disc rubbing on something. I took the mechanism out and put it on my desk, spun the disc with my finger, and it went around smoothly and without touching anything.

Thanks again everyone

Keith Courage

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Re: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2024, 02:29:01 AM »
From looking at your first picture, it looks like the spindle is a little bit too low or the white plastic surrounding is a little too high.

Here are some pictures of what the height should look like compared to the height of the white surrounding. The chrome/metal looking part of the spindle should be sticking up above the white part ever so slightly. Not so much that you can see the bottom of the chrome part. So the chrome part should be sticking up halfway.

The very bottom pic is an example of how to raise the spindle height. You push down on a small pair of pliers to push the spindle up. Now for the aggravating part.

Most likely the spindle will go up way too high. Then to lower it again, lay the CD lens assembly on something flat and literally hit it down using your fist or palm. Then, once it goes down too far, start over prying it back up again. You'll probably have to do this 5-20 times until you get it just right.

If the center spindle is any higher than what is shown in the pictures, then the CD lens will have issues reading the disc.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 02:30:50 AM by Keith Courage »


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Re: SOLVED: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2024, 02:25:00 AM »
It worked!

Following your instructions, I was able to adjust the spindle height and now it spins perfectly and without noise. In the process I actually had the spindle come completely off twice. Luckily it just pops back on so it wasn't an issue. What I found is that once I got the spindle moving a few times, it became easier and easier to eventually make smaller adjustments. A couple times I thought I had it just right but it was still off. I got lucky after around 10 tries just like you suggested and then it suddenly worked perfectly. This one is solved!

Thank you Keith!


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Re: SOLVED: Duo RX loud scratching sound when CD spins
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2024, 12:08:20 AM »
Noice.  Another one back in service!
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