This one's for you Joe: Yesterday, we were decorating the xmas tree and I was trying to get some xmas tunes. Well, lo and behold, it turns out that my parents-in-law have this beauty in their living room:Clarinette 90! Radio Shack had an entire line of stereos/radios with that name, IIRC. Awesome. When it comes to product names, "Clarinette" is right up there with "Zune" . Please note: Clarinette isn't nearly as goofy sounding.The tape deck was broken, though , So we couldn't listen to my wife's old christmas album by NKOTB. Dammmit! I wanted it to be a Funky Funky Xmas.
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Realistic is, by far, the best brand ever. I wish they had made a videogame system. It would have been the best.