This topic is about your experiences playing TurboChip DUDS. Obviously, Japanese games are excluded, because those are HuCARDs, not TurboChips.
Now, I could easily make a blanket statement like "ALL TURBOCHIPS ARE DUDS". It would be easy to say, because every TurboChip I've ever played has been a dud. However, I will not say that. I will leave open the possibility that there are some good ones out there that I just haven't played. However, this topic is not about the good ones, so please don't defend any TurboChips here.
1) Legendary Axe - First off, the music pretty much blows. On top of that, the game lacks action (compare this to any of the NES Ninja Gaiden games), the graphics are tile-based nonsense, and the "secret areas" that the instruction manual touts is really just "that one part in level 3 where you have to find a key". Bad game with cheap bosses (like the Punjabbi)
2) Silent Debuggers - Leon looks pretty cool, but this game is otherwise unremarkable. The music pretty much blows. Some people call this the precursor to survival horror, but that can't be true -- otherwise, the genre would have died at birth.
3) Air Zonk - This is basically like taking the shooter segments of Mega Man 3 and stretching it out into an entire game. A boring, sloppy game with music that pretty much blows.