Author Topic: TurboChip DUDS  (Read 2612 times)


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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2006, 03:04:50 AM »
hahah, this is such as silly thread, arguing over video games and what's better, etc.

You are all comparing apples and oranges, or maybe something a bit less similar, like.... apples and spinach...

Comparing Super Mario Bros. to Halo.... hahahhaha

I wore out Super Mario Bros years ago, I probably have the first 3 levels memorized though I haven't played the game in years.  Add something to that list like Combat. I think most days I'd rather play Combat over Super Mario Bros.

For me, I would prefer many 16-bit and prior games to new stuff. That's just me, As there are some who wouldn't want to touch "old" games.

I had one visitor refer to the systems I own, and their games, as something along the lines of "Cheesy-ass".   hahahah, he preferred his X-box and reccomended I get one.

It's all preference.

I saw when the Playstation launched, I didn't care for the look of the system, games, gameplay, etc. The most recent systems I paid much attention to were the Saturn and, to an extent, the wii. Never owned either of those 2, however.

Older games work for me, as they are easier for me to pick up and play, and if I only have 20 min or so to fool around with a game, I can load up something like splatterhouse and play through a certain level, etc. Plus, I prefer to spread my time out with other things now, and that's also why I'd rather stick with what I have. If I were to ever get another system, it would be a Supergun.

It's a matter of preference.
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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2006, 03:14:09 AM »
Remember that the SMB (1-3, World and YI) games on GBA are the best-selling games on the system. Kids play those games and love them. Today.

Emerald Rocker

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2006, 05:41:18 AM »
I wouldn't say a game like Halo plays better than a game like Super Mario Bros. mainly for the fact that Super Mario Bros is a lot easier to play

I didn't say that either.  I was citing Super Mario Bros as an exception -- it's one of the few NES games that is actually really good (see Seldane's above post for evidence of its timeless appeal).  On the other hand, Halo definitely plays much better than something like Bonk.

To that other guy: Chaos Legion is a fantastic game that truly shows off how far action titles have come (in terms of music/graphics/control) in the past 10 years.  And it doesn't have a forced tutorial!  If Chaos Legion were on TurboChip, then this topic would not exist, because it would single-handedly redeem the entire format.
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Black Tiger

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2006, 07:00:07 AM »
The GBA SMB's have the 'SMB' brand name, which still means something and most of the major GBA SMB's are decent games with graphics that were still current for GBA when they were released.

It's the same way licensed games sell truck loads. All it takes is the name. I don't think that anyone bought any of the Pokemon Coloseum games or Pokemon TV (or 50 Cent) because of the deep gameplay, because there isn't any.

The GBA SMB1 one sold well(if it really did) because of the SMB name and older players who played it before on NES. A large number of parents would've bought it just because it said 'SMB', especially becase of the slightly lower price. And for any parents looking to buy GBA gifts who didn't get that far on their own, all it would take is one of those sleazy game store employees telling them that "it's the latest SMB release for GBA!" to sell a few more hundred thousand copies.

Just as so many kids can handle SNES SMB's, I think that they could handle the Bonk games if there was enough motivation for them to give them a serious play.

If there are some snerds online trashing VC Bonk, thats only the minority net nerds that don't represent the general public. Otherwise Psychonauts would already have 3 sequals out.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2006, 07:13:47 AM by Black_Tiger »

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Emerald Rocker

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #49 on: December 25, 2006, 07:32:20 AM »
Just as so many kids can handle SNES SMB's, I think that they could handle the Bonk games if there was enough motivation for them to give them a serious play.

That's one of the problems with the Virtual Console: there isn't enough motivation for people to give these games a serious play.

They need Achievements.  Then people would be plenty motivated to play the games seriously.
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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #50 on: December 25, 2006, 08:03:22 AM »

will you stop whining about hucards now? :p
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Emerald Rocker

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #51 on: December 25, 2006, 08:12:13 AM »
I'm not whining about HuCards, I'm whining about TurboChips.   :roll:
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Joe Redifer

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #52 on: December 25, 2006, 08:19:10 AM »
Exactly.  HuCards are so much better than TuboChips.  The same exact game on a HuCard is a winner whereas it is a dud on a TuboChip.  HuCards are just so much more powerful.


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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #53 on: December 25, 2006, 08:27:37 AM »
But all the turbochips are labeled HuCard on the back! So if you just ignore the manuals, there is no such thing as a turbochip!
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Black Tiger

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #54 on: December 25, 2006, 09:06:25 AM »
Just as so many kids can handle SNES SMB's, I think that they could handle the Bonk games if there was enough motivation for them to give them a serious play.

That's one of the problems with the Virtual Console: there isn't enough motivation for people to give these games a serious play.

They need Achievements.  Then people would be plenty motivated to play the games seriously.

Although I think that Xbox360 achievements for the sake of achievements is kinda lame, but the Capcom Classics style uinlockables are a great idea and I really wish they'd do something similar with VC titles.

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #55 on: December 25, 2006, 12:11:27 PM »
Halo is the Super Mario Bros 3 of first person shooters.


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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #56 on: December 25, 2006, 04:22:31 PM »
To that other guy: Chaos Legion is a fantastic game that truly shows off how far action titles have come (in terms of music/graphics/control) in the past 10 years.

Yup, that's sooo true. Man, I'm really glad you pointed that out to me :roll:

Joe Redifer

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #57 on: December 25, 2006, 04:41:36 PM »
Quote from: guyjin

  But all the turbochips are labeled HuCard on the back! So if you just ignore the manuals, there is no such thing as a turbochip!


All of my Turbo games just got 900% better!!  I actually like the games I said I hated now.  Like 'em a lot!

OK, for the first time in this thread I am going to be serious:
I don't care much for the term "TurboChip".  I always use the term "HuCard".  And I am not sure why there would even be a difference, which is what all of my posts in this thread elude to.  I am under the impression that the original poster likes Japanese stuff because it is more 1337 and doesn't like American stuff because the artwork doesn't look as good or something, hence his demand that we only talk about crappy American TurboChips and not Godly Japanese HuCards.

I say we just talk about overrated games in general, whether they are US or Japanese, card or CD.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2006, 04:46:17 PM by Joe Redifer »

Black Tiger

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #58 on: December 25, 2006, 08:00:59 PM »
Quote from: guyjin

  But all the turbochips are labeled HuCard on the back! So if you just ignore the manuals, there is no such thing as a turbochip!


All of my Turbo games just got 900% better!!  I actually like the games I said I hated now.  Like 'em a lot!

OK, for the first time in this thread I am going to be serious:
I don't care much for the term "TurboChip".  I always use the term "HuCard".  And I am not sure why there would even be a difference, which is what all of my posts in this thread elude to.  I am under the impression that the original poster likes Japanese stuff because it is more 1337 and doesn't like American stuff because the artwork doesn't look as good or something, hence his demand that we only talk about crappy American TurboChips and not Godly Japanese HuCards.

I say we just talk about overrated games in general, whether they are US or Japanese, card or CD.

Alright, overrated games:

Sapphire -not as good as many SCD games. The graphics aren't teg b3st, just good. The gameplay is good, but not legendary. And no, it doesn't push better 3D grafx than a PSX.

Shubibinman 3 -feels like an unfinished beta copy to me. I usually encounter at least a bug or two while playing, the sound doesn't match the action and it seems to be missing sfx and it just seems like a bunch of stuff thrown together instead of planned out levels that respond to gameplay. Not total garbage, but not one of the better PCE games (in my opinion).

Cosmic Fantasy 2 -I don't agree with those who say it's complete garbage, but I don't blame them for faulting the basic game outside all of the positive aesthetics. Plus, no boss fight should ever take an hour.

Beyond Shadowgate -The graphics aren't very nice, outside of a majority of the non-city bg's. But even those should've been given more than 16 colors and touched up. Some terrible sprite art which looks like the doodles of a teenager(but decent in some places). It's a fine game for what it is, especially considering the lack of competition on the TG-16 and 16-bit gen, but the TG-16 could've hosted a far superior King's Quest type game. It'd definitely be worth buying for under $30, but $200 is only for display purposes.

I am now ready to be flamed and banned from the Turbo community.  :-#

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Re: TurboChip DUDS
« Reply #59 on: December 25, 2006, 11:36:58 PM »
I'm speechless!! :D