"Turbochips", in addition to being an easy way to distinguish domestic releases from imports, are also far superior to Hucards as a media format. After all, what better way to display turbo-graphics on your TurboGrafx than with a
I have no doubt NEC created them as a last ditch effort to stand up to the awesome power of Sega's MEGA cartridges and Sega Cards and break their monoply on the US 8-bit market...
Back on topic, whether or not a game is a "dud" is mostly a matter of personal taste. I find relatively playable games to be "duds" for a couple of reasons. One type of duds are average games that fall flat because the library is already saturated with other games of the same genre.
JJ and Jeff,
Time Cruise and
Dragon Spirit are good examples. JJ and Jeff has decent play control and is challenging but sucks when compared to other platformers on the Turbo. I've barely played Dragon Spirit because of all the other shooters in my collection and Time Cruise sucks compared to Devils Crush.
Another type of duds are games that just don't hold my interest long enough to figure out if they're good or not.
Tricky Kick and lot of sports games like
Championship Boxing and
TV Sports Football are examples of this. Tricky Kick looks cool, but each screen is a logic puzzle that can only be solved one way and I just don't have the patience for it. I barely know anything about football and haven't played CB because of the intricate controls.
On the other hand, I find myself spending a fair amount of time playing crappy games that are often criticized; games like
Darkwing Duck, Deep Blue, Pacland and
Sonic Spike. I play these games for the same reason my RPGs are collecting dust: I don't have a lot of time and most often just want something quick and brainless. This means my shooters, platformers and pinball games have been getting a lot of use these days. Even though the four games I listed aren't the best, the controls are easy and I can space out for a few minutes without digging up a manual or password.
I also play some terrible games simply because they are completely unique.
Falcon and
Yo Bro both suck but I don't own any other games quite like them and they intrigue me.
Now, why I play Deep Blue and Darkwing Duck instead of Dragon Spirit and JJ and Jeff I'll never know...