Author Topic: Splatterhouse  (Read 1693 times)


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« on: December 28, 2006, 07:53:03 AM »
OK, time for a new game thread...  :lol:

So who here can beat Splatterhouse in the "hard" difficulty mode? I've been playing it again lately on "hard".

I can beat the game on normal difficulty, but the thing is f*cking impossible on hard. I am getting hung up at the stage 3 boss with the chainsaw arms. I'm able to get off a fully loaded shotgun's share of rounds and around 10 kicks to the shins before I'm down for the count. How many f*cking hits does this guy take on hard mode? Is there some kind of strategy to this guy? When I play through on normal mode, I usually just corner him and hammer away like there's no tomorrow. It's usually a given I'll lose a heart or two but I'm still able to take him out before he can do me in.

I can't even imagine what the stage 5 boss is going to be like-- I always thought he was the hardest one of the game on normal difficulty.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 11:23:08 AM »
beat it on arcade and on normal mode for PCE, but on hard mode..seems quite impossible :shock:
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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 11:51:12 AM »
I always found this game to be pretty difficult even on normal.  I swore I owned it but I guess I must of sold it, which strikes me as odd.  Unless I let a friend borrow it and they never returned it.  I liked a lot of the music in this game, though certainly not all of it.  I also like this better than Spatterhouse 2 on the Genesis, and from what I remember, Splatterhouse 3 as well.

Michael Helgeson

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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2006, 12:45:57 PM »
I beat it on hard a few times. I wont play it on anything else because the game is too easy. I think the hard setting emulates the arcade games difficulty more. Your having probs with that boss so what you need to do probably is slowly work 2 shotguns there that are fully loaded if I remember right. Pick one up,then the other. Keep doing this all the way to the boss. It helps to have full energy too,because hes going to hit you as you shoot him.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2006, 01:04:54 PM »
I beat it on hard a few times. I wont play it on anything else because the game is too easy. I think the hard setting emulates the arcade games difficulty more. Your having probs with that boss so what you need to do probably is slowly work 2 shotguns there that are fully loaded if I remember right. Pick one up,then the other. Keep doing this all the way to the boss. It helps to have full energy too,because hes going to hit you as you shoot him.

Hmmm.. I'll try that, thanks. Getting to him with full hearts is no prob.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2006, 01:06:31 PM »
I always found this game to be pretty difficult even on normal.  I swore I owned it but I guess I must of sold it, which strikes me as odd.  Unless I let a friend borrow it and they never returned it.  I liked a lot of the music in this game, though certainly not all of it.  I also like this better than Spatterhouse 2 on the Genesis, and from what I remember, Splatterhouse 3 as well.

This game has some really great music. I especially like the music on stage 6 and the music at the final boss. There is only one (maybe two) tunes I don't care for.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2006, 02:19:01 PM »

I just played through and was able to beat the stage 3 boss. I actually made it all the way to the final boss in the "hard" mode but I used up all my continues in the process. He schooled me and sent my ass straight back to the title screen.

Incidentally, my attempts to get the two rifles to the boss of stage 3 failed miserably. So when I got there, I made a half-ass attempt to beat him the way I normally do. Well, I found the "sweet spot" and beat his chainsaw-toting ass to a pulp with just my fists and feet. The stage 5 boss actually didn't seem any harder in "hard" mode. Where I lost most of my continues was in the damn "Womb" level where those hatchling mutants are born. I swear there are twice as many of the f*ckers in "hard" mode.

Well, at least I know it's not impossible to beat "hard" mode. I'll give it another go this wekeend or something.

As I was playing, I was thinking a lot about the msuic. Anyone here have MP3s of the arcade audio so we can compare to the Turbo versions?

Michael Helgeson

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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2006, 04:10:33 PM »
I think Splatterhouse is just hard for some people and easy for others. Oddly enough part 2 is the game that mops the floor with me.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2006, 04:55:36 PM »
I beat Splatterhouse quite a few times back in the day, but never in hard mode - I'd get whacked long before the final boss.  I really like the music in Splatterhouse but don't care for the crappy voices.  How does it compare to the arcade and other ports?
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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2006, 05:37:10 PM »
  How does it compare to the arcade and other ports?
there is only one other port exist, for the FM Twons marty which is a accurate 1:1 arcade port (as usual)

for the PCE version, the gameplay as well as level design is almost corresponding with the arcade version. it lacks in grafical/technical issues only (less details, less animations, audio etc).
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Michael Helgeson

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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2006, 06:35:22 PM »
Ditto. Run it on Mame.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2006, 08:53:28 AM »
As I was playing, I was thinking a lot about the msuic. Anyone here have MP3s of the arcade audio so we can compare to the Turbo versions?

Well, I could probably rip the audio tracks from the FM-Towns for ya. They sound slight different than the arcade, but sound just as good.

The stage 4 boss theme is my favorite, I still have it saved on my mp3 player.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 08:55:26 AM by rolins »


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2006, 08:58:11 AM »
Please do!

That tune is one of my favorites on the Turbo version, too.


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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2006, 10:31:37 AM »
There's about 41 tracks to the FM-Towns version. I ripped only up to the end of stage 4 boss, and labeled them to the best of my knowledge. I might do the rest later on, but I have to get to work now. Enjoy.

FM-Towns Splatterhouse music sample. (The download link is at the middle of the page)



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Re: Splatterhouse
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2006, 10:38:58 AM »
I haven't even tried Splatterhouse on hard mode yet, but it's pretty easy for me on normal.
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